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What processor is duo core?

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  1. #1
    wavecrazed started this thread.
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    What processor is duo core?

    I have a mother board out and can't ever get out the processors with out damaging it. What kind is under those twin heat sinks. My suppler wants me to keep that one for him. I'm temped to keep it.

  2. #2
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    can you put up a pic for us? and the name and model of the board. should be a good hint.

  3. #3
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    If it says Pentium D on it/... Its a dual Core
    If it is an AMD Should say X2
    both came out around 2005 Vista machines had the first Dual cores. ...Xp machines did not.

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  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by MLComputers View Post
    If it says Pentium D on it/... Its a dual Core
    If it is an AMD Should say X2
    both came out around 2005 Vista machines had the first Dual cores. ...Xp machines did not.
    You are right on the first part but wrong on the 2ed.

    Dual cores where out with XP as default but cost a pretty many will be out there...but when dual cores became cheaper you had alot of people and shop doing "upgrades" I have seen some real old computers (or so they look from the case) to have newer guts in them and having a into core duo in them.

    When you open the computer look at the memory..if its 512mb or bigger...check the cpu it could be worth something...if the memory is all low mb...the cpu is trash (you would not upgrade the cpu and not upgrade the memory at the same time)

    If the ram chips have large chip...its ddr1 its a older type of memory and the cpu will most likely be 487 socket

    If the ram chips are small its the new ddr2 and the cpu is most likely a 775 socket...775 socket is worth more...the board, cpu and memory could be worth money....take apart slowly and check the cpu to see what it is.

    Now you can get pent 4 in 775 socket and they are not really worth that much...if its 3ghz then it could be resold for a little more than scrap price if you can find a buyer...if not sell them on lots on ebay you MAYBE able to sell them there.

    Well thats the bit of into you where looking for I am hoping. If not ask again.
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  7. #5
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    easy, you are just so full of knowledge and information I can't understand how you stay so skinny.

  8. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster-Dee View Post
    easy, you are just so full of knowledge and information I can't understand how you stay so skinny.
    I don't know either...but I learned a lot about computers back when I was 14..I was homeschooled and had alot of time to spend on the computer..I learned how to program and rebuild and or mod the board out (remove chips to add better chips and overclock and this and that) by the time I was 18 you could google my "computer name" and alot of things would pop up...i just dont think I would like to share that name so dont ask lmao...but computers where just something I love to work with.

    One thing to keep in mind when you are at your computer.

    Your computer only does what YOU tell it to do...or someone else...the computer NEVER makes a mistake...the mistake is either with a programmer error, hacker or user error.

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  10. #7
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    My favorite error on a computer is the "UPPER KEYBOARD ACTUATOR" that is usualy the fault to most computer problems

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  12. #8
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    i buy working socket 775 p-4, pentium d, core 2 duo and quad, 64x2 & 64 x4 cpu's. they are worth more than scrap value.

  13. #9
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbrooks715 View Post
    i buy working socket 775 p-4, pentium d, core 2 duo and quad, 64x2 & 64 x4 cpu's. they are worth more than scrap value.
    Do you have a website? OR a price list for that matter? I have yet to see you post what prices you pay for anything. Ive even sent you a PM and got no answer.

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  15. #10
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    rbrooks is a friendly ghost !

  16. #11
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    i have not received a pm from you.

    my email is:

    i am not a volume reseller of boards. i process the vast majority of my own material. i provide a service for larger company's and government institutions in exchange for their electronic surplus material. i selectively purchase mid grade & high grade boards at times, if the price is right. i do occasionally purchase large lots of surplus equipment. i am not competitive on the lower grade items. i have no reason to be. there is too much of this material around. i am competitive on items that can be resold. such as some of the 775 cpu's.

    we can continue this later or you can email me.

    ku and baylor is on.

    go hawks.

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