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I'm confused....if the data is on the platters, then why do you destroy the whole thing ?
Because taking apart each drive = 5-10 minutes each.
Just taking off the boards and crushing 5 at a time 3-5 minutes.
It all comes down to dollars and cents. For example say you can sell 10 widgets @ 2 bucks each a day. That's $20 into your pocket. However if you drop your price to 1.5 bucks you can sell 15 widgets a day. that's $22.5 per day. While your margins are thinner you end up making more. It also helps you in many other ways too. More of your product hits the market more people see it more people come to you to buy widgets. It is a double edged sword though.
Ofcouse this model doesn't factor in, time, expenses, shipping, ect.