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Got some PC towers. Worried about Kiddie Porn

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  1. #1
    ElectricMetal started this thread.
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    Got some PC towers. Worried about Kiddie Porn

    Got some PC towers from various sources.
    Thinking about checking to see that all parts work.
    If so, I'm thinking I'll get more from working computer than scrap value.
    Worried PC's might have kiddie porn or something on hard drive that could come back to haunt me since I don't know the source.
    How can I check hard drives to determine this sort of thing prior to selling. Do I need to format the hard drives to wipe out? Won't that make my life more difficult selling since I'll lose the software?

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    You'll lose the software and anything else bad they might have installed (malware-virus) by reformatting or do a DoD wipe. That way you can not be sued for distributing someone's private info. Most people like to see a clean HD
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  4. #3
    Ticonderoga's Avatar
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    The best bet is to always wipe a drive. Just pull the registration number for the OS before you do.

  5. #4
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    I agree with the top post. DOD, NIST, and NAID compliant wiping standards are among the top in the industry. If you don't have a hard drive wiping system you should look to send them to a company who can and will provide you with pricing for the hard drives as scrap. Let me know if you have any other questions regarding data destruction, or visit and the article regarding Hard Drive wiping and data destruction that is posted.

    I hope this helps.

  6. #5
    ilyaz's Avatar
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    Here's one tool I have used:, but there are other ones out there. The free version only allows you to do one pass at a time while I think a standard DoD lever wipe is like 7 passes. For that you have to get their paid version.

    By the way, I am in no way affiliated with them. There might be better tools out there, which could do more for less $ (or even no $ at all), I just didn't have a chance to search the web thoroughly

  7. #6
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    If you are going to be taking in hard drives to destroy for clients you better have a way of destroying them. A DOD wipe / Degause are some ways to destroy them but they either take a significant amount of time or require expensive equipment. Not to mention if you have a drive that wont spin you cant DOD wipe it. Their are several ways i have found that best destroy drives and i feel confident to issue my cert of destruction. Here is my process's.

    First i look over the drives to be destroyed. I then determine if they have resell value or not. I then offer my client these options.

    1. I DOD wipe the drives and reserve the right to resell working drivers, - No additional cost to the customer
    2. I Degause the drives for the customer, ( What i do after is my business, i usually take them apart. ) - $5 per drive.
    3. I Degause the drives and then fully destroy them - $10 per drive.

    What i use to destroy the drives is a 22 ton hydraulic log splitter. Im able to stack 3-5 drives at a time. Completely destroys the patters and drive. No messy shredding. I have this because i heat my home with wood. You can go out and buy a 5 ton electric splitter for 250-400 bucks and do 1 - 2 drives at a time with it.
    Last edited by drozenski; 01-17-2012 at 10:18 AM.
    We pay you to recycle!

  8. #7
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    Sweet. Log splitter.

    Any chance you will post a video of the beast in action? I am staring at a stack of 5 drives next to me just imagining a violent end for them.

  9. #8
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    I can see what i can do. If you go this route make sure you are wearing protective goggles and a thick shirt. It's not uncommon for pieces to go flying.

  10. #9
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    I'm confused....if the data is on the platters, then why do you destroy the whole thing ?

  11. #10
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    I use CCleaner which you can get from Their drive wiper allows you to choose up to a 35 pass drive overwrite and it is free. Seatools available at is also free and I have used it as well. As far as the software you may lose, most systems have the Certificate of Authenticity (COA) on a sticker on the outside of the case for the operating system. Any other Microsoft or major software vendor will require COA, proof of ownership or original system documentation to sell with the system (even if it came installed originally).

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  13. #11
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    If you go this route make sure you are wearing protective goggles and a thick shirt. It's not uncommon for pieces to go flying.
    Don't you pull the boards out of the HD's? The going price right now is roughly $10. a lb. and $ .35 a lb for the platters.

  14. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Don't you pull the boards out of the HD's? The going price right now is roughly $10. a lb. and $ .35 a lb for the platters.
    Yes i do.

  15. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster-Dee View Post
    I'm confused....if the data is on the platters, then why do you destroy the whole thing ?
    Because taking apart each drive = 5-10 minutes each.

    Just taking off the boards and crushing 5 at a time 3-5 minutes.

    It all comes down to dollars and cents. For example say you can sell 10 widgets @ 2 bucks each a day. That's $20 into your pocket. However if you drop your price to 1.5 bucks you can sell 15 widgets a day. that's $22.5 per day. While your margins are thinner you end up making more. It also helps you in many other ways too. More of your product hits the market more people see it more people come to you to buy widgets. It is a double edged sword though.

    Ofcouse this model doesn't factor in, time, expenses, shipping, ect.

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