as long as any part of the platter remains intact and undamaged it can be read. requires some special equipment and requires that there is any data to be read on any of the sectors still intact.
my customers are concerned about the number of platters being sold on the open market for 'platinum' recovery. you see them on
ebay a lot. those platters can easily be read. more customers are now concerned that their drives are being dismantled and the platters are actually being left intact for resell. which means that all of that data could be recovered.
you can not blame them for being concerned. they do not want any those platters to survive. one of the reasons more companies are requiring r2 or similar certification is the auditing process. it shows exactly where those drives went. from the time they were picked up to the time they went into the smelter. it shows serial numbers, weights, process', transportation, etc. you have to look at this from your customers perspective. regardless of how you may feel about their fears, they want to know with absolute certainty that their drives are going to be destroyed. if you can not provide that level of security they are looking for, they will find it else where.
it is all about providing service. either you can or they will find someone who can.
nothing odd about the professionals being concerned about possible data recovery. they are more aware of the capabilities of recovery than anyone else.