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List of PC desktops with valuable CPUs

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  1. #1
    ElectricMetal started this thread.
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    List of PC desktops with valuable CPUs

    Has anyone compiled a list of desktop PCs (manufacturer/model/year) that contain beautiful and valuable CPUs.

    Example: What old desktop PCs had Pentium Pro CPUs as a standard component? Dell? Compaq...if so what year and models.

    People are always getting rid of old PCs at garage sales etc. (some cases giving them away) and it would be good to know which PCs contain hidden gold locked up inside that old dusty case.

    I'm interested in more then just the Pentium Pro. There are obviously tons of other beautiful and highly collectible CPUs. It would be great to have a list of each and a linked list of devices containing those CPUs.

    Any ideas where to find that?
    Anyone have a list like that to share?

  2. #2
    ComputerScrapper's Avatar
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    I am not sure if that kind of list exists or not...The real difficulty would be in the fact that some towers were upgraded and others were generic machines built without markings of any kind. I am sure that someone has a basic list somewhere on the web that would give you a better idea of what to look for.
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    scrap1025 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I don't think a list would exist since computer models are so customizable and most are not marked with the type of CPU. The brand of CPU is sometimes listed on retail computers, but that may or may not be all the information you are looking for.

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    Wow you really have alot of questions about computers. Well doing a quick bing search. I use bing now cause I can get free microsoft points for my xbox. ANyway wiki shows the release dates of all the processors.

    Here is intel
    Here is the AMD page


    And now the challange to you. Make a list of all the processors and release dates into one easy to read list and post it back here for all of us to use

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    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    No, No, NO. That would take all the fun out of opening up the "package" like a x-mas gift, then, s-l-o-w-l-y lifting up the heat sink or that cute little lever to see what you got !!!! Then the happy gold dance !!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster-Dee View Post
    No, No, NO. That would take all the fun out of opening up the "package" like a x-mas gift, then, s-l-o-w-l-y lifting up the heat sink or that cute little lever to see what you got !!!! Then the happy gold dance !!
    We want video of you doing the happy gold dance Dee!

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  12. #7
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  14. #8
    Ticonderoga's Avatar
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    That would be a good list to have. With weights and everything
    Not sure how you would go about compiling all of that data but good luck.
    Would come in handy on auctions like this:

    Offering 45-CPUs, 36-15"-17" monitors, 36-keyboards, 36-mouses, 36-sets of power cords. CPU's: 7 do not work and can be used for parts (hard drives have been pulled). 38 worked as of 1/5/2012, but have no operating system or software. 6 have DVD-RW drives, 8 have CD-RW drives, 24 have CD drives, and 9 have dual drives (CD-RW/DVD-RW and CD Drives). All CPUs have 3.5 floppy drives. They all are P4, 256 or greater RAM, mix of Brands(Premio, AOpen). Monitors: Have some 15" and 17" CRT monitors that are 5-12 years old, Brands: AOpen, Acer, Gateway, Premio). They worked at last use (1-5 years ago). Mouses, Keyboards and Power Cords: all working as of last use. All equipment has been stored in classroom setting. This lot is AS IS.

  15. #9
    bcoop is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Here is my two cents on looking for computers with good "CPU's". The first and most prominent thing you should look for is a 5.25in floppy drive. If the computer has one of these odds are it was a pre "windows 95" computer. Most of your standard ceramic chips were phased out in the late 90's early 2000's.

    Other visual indicators are the Intel and windows stickers on the front of the computers. There are too many to cover but you learn to recognize them.

  16. #10
    Electrowaste's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcoop View Post
    Here is my two cents on looking for computers with good "CPU's". The first and most prominent thing you should look for is a 5.25in floppy drive. If the computer has one of these odds are it was a pre "windows 95" computer. Most of your standard ceramic chips were phased out in the late 90's early 2000's.

    Other visual indicators are the Intel and windows stickers on the front of the computers. There are too many to cover but you learn to recognize them.
    This is great advice! I know to look for older computer but I didn't realize specifically pre Windows 95'. I also didn't to think to look for the 5.25 which is a great idea!

  17. #11
    auminer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ticonderoga View Post
    Would come in handy on auctions like this:

    Offering 45-CPUs, 36-15"-17" monitors, 36-keyboards, 36-mouses, 36-sets of power cords.
    Problem I'm running into, though, is that around here, that lot would EASILY top $800, more likely $1000, winning bid.

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