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I just picked up one of these. OOOOOld IBM portable

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  1. #1
    parrothead started this thread.
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    I just picked up one of these. OOOOOld IBM portable

    I won't call it a laptop, but it is the precursor to one. Here is what it looks like.

    I did not really want it to scrap. They guy forced it on me for $5 so I took it. I don't want to scrap it, but may have to. I have too much crap laying around.

  2. #2
    ComputerScrapper's Avatar
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    That is a super sweet find....I love those old machines....Hard to believe but some people actually did put those things on their lap....Crazy...Like the website says, this was not a really popular model due to the screen but that could translate into dollars on the collector market. It could turn out to be pretty rare if not many of them survived.
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  3. #3
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Good thing laps were bigger back then to accommodate for it's compact size.

    Should be worth something to a collector. Just need to hook up with the right one.
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  5. #4
    parrothead started this thread.
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    yeah, I searched E-bay and people are asking 300 - 500 for them, but not getting that. I think one sold for 50 but it had everything with it. Mine has no cord, no disks, nothing.

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