Originally Posted by
When we get 20-30 or more we don't want to waste all that time looking inside each one, we look at the front for no missing drives, then look at the back for no missing cards/ power supply. If there's an opening front or back then you can peek inside to make sure it looks complete.
I agree, if you have some open spaces to peek inside then do so and save yourself some time...Keep in mind that you will have some people that will try to fool you.....We received 2 skids of towers the other day and they were supposed to be complete P4 systems. However, upon inspection we noted that they had stripped all the processors out and then replaced the heatsinks so that they would appear complete. I informed them that they were being docked for taking all the processors out and attempting to sell them as complete towers. They weren't happy but they admitted what they did. It all came back to the internet...Someone told them that P4 processors were worth a fortune per pound on
eBay so they were going to sell them that way....It did not take them long to figure out differently.
As Rick from Pawn Stars says "It's not that I don't trust you, but I don't trust anybody." lol