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Best way to ship boards - Page 2

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  1. #21
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    Mechanic, nobody accused you of that I had to explain that i tell people upfront the amount (assuming they are accurate with weights).

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  3. #22
    parrothead's Avatar
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    For those big boxes. If you look at the bottom of the box there is typically a "legend" It tells max weight, crush weight, etc. I learned this the hard way. The drop odd I use has a fed ex delivery guy that is a stickler. If I have 45 pounds in a 35 pound max weight box, he will not pick it up. Then I get called the next day have to go get ir repack in a different box, take it back again the next day. 2 days lost.

    So make sure you are useing the right box or you may lose time on your shipment if you have a picky or lazy driver.

    Just an FYI

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  5. #23
    ilyaz's Avatar
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    I created an account with FedEx which is free and gives you a discount. You can also print shipping labels from your computer. I usually ship boxes weighing between 50 and 120lbs so FedEx ground seems to be cheaper than UPS or USPS. Actually, I don't event think you can ship anything more than 70lbs via USPS, but I might be wrong.

  6. #24
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I don't event think you can ship anything more than 70lbs via USPS, but I might be wrong.
    You are correct,,
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  7. #25
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    You are correct 70 lbs max limit. But ship 1 100lb box fedex and 2 50 pounders usps parcel post and see the difference in price. This is what I come up with using the online calculater from denver to PA.

    80465 to 15501
    fedex ground 3 day is $89.44 for 100lb box
    ups ground 4 days $98.45 for 100lb box
    USPS $38.95 per 50 pound box x2 is $77.90 for & day delivery.

    SO in my opinion if time is a factor fedex is way to go. If money is factor USPS is way to go. above prices are without insurance. I would suggest putting insurance on any boards you ship with USPS if box breaks open in transit and you loose something from it without insurance then its your loss. I speak from experience I lost one of the 2 cats I shipped to focker this way.

    Also on side note you can get better prices with USPS as well if you use you paypal account to create the shipping labels. Not to mention youll help me keep my dayjob. Wait on second thaught Ide rather be scrappin.

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  9. #26
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I keep shoving that ebay out the door so you guys have job security. Cost me $70 in fuel to drive my 370 lb load to Cleveland. Took about 8 hr total and met some really nice people.

  10. #27
    thortek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    I keep shoving that ebay out the door so you guys have job security. Cost me $70 in fuel to drive my 370 lb load to Cleveland. Took about 8 hr total and met some really nice people.
    WOW your truck gets good gas mileage! It cost me $80 to drive to Cinci and back and I only live 2.5 hours away! I need to get this thing looked at!
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  11. #28
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thortek View Post
    WOW your truck gets good gas mileage! It cost me $80 to drive to Cinci and back and I only live 2.5 hours away! I need to get this thing looked at!
    Do you sell boards in Cinci? If so, where? Thanks in advance.

    It would cost me at least $150 roundtrip to Cleveland from here in my suv.
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  12. #29
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    WOW your truck gets good gas mileage! It cost me $80 to drive to Cinci and back and I only live 2.5 hours away! I need to get this thing looked at!
    That was in my Taurus, threw the totes in the back seat and filled up the trunk.

  13. #30
    ilyaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    80465 to 15501
    fedex ground 3 day is $89.44 for 100lb box
    ups ground 4 days $98.45 for 100lb box
    USPS $38.95 per 50 pound box x2 is $77.90 for & day delivery.
    I might be doing something wrong but I got two price quotes and fedex came on top.

    50lbs 22" X 21" X 11" (I recently shipped a 100-lb box that was 22x22x21, so I split it in half)
    from 20850 to 44095
    value = $150

    usps (parcel post + insurance + delivery confirmation) = $27.38
    fedex (ground, with account) = $20.18

    With USPS I did not have a choice of any "flat rate" service and parcel was the cheapest (not counting media mail rate)

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