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e-scrap canada

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  1. #1
    wescrapmetal started this thread.
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    e-scrap canada

    in my province this is a un tapped market no yards buy e-scrap no one picks up e scrap .its illegal to put them in the trash u have to drive to a depot to dispose of e-waste. Is it worth getting into this buisness buyers willing to buy from halifax ns contact me .

  2. #2
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Yeah, there are several frum Canuckia that have this problem. Someone needs to figure out how to do this up there and ship straight to one of our buyers' contacts. I would imagine you guys can work something out somewhere, somehow.

    I wish you all the best of luck

  3. #3
    thortek's Avatar
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    Didn't NAFTA make it easier to ship INTO the US from Canada? I mean aren't GM card assembled in Canada?
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  4. #4
    dherik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris Kringle View Post
    Yeah they did but there is still Laws that have to be complied with.

    It's still a major PIA to ship to and from Canada. It's easier to walk across the border to and from Mexico than it is to get a box through Customs in Canada.

  5. #5
    wescrapmetal started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by dherik View Post
    It's still a major PIA to ship to and from Canada. It's easier to walk across the border to and from Mexico than it is to get a box through Customs in Canada.
    this is true the company i work for used to send all the warrenty returns back to the dealer now to save on cost and time because of the border everything gets thrown away after documented .

  6. #6
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    What province are you from? I am in Ontario and I don't have an issue selling boards. I had to ask a scrap yard to buy them from me and it took some time but now they have it set up to buy TV's as hole units and "e-waste" now.

  7. #7
    tackleberry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackshmuc View Post
    What province are you from? I am in Ontario and I don't have an issue selling boards. I had to ask a scrap yard to buy them from me and it took some time but now they have it set up to buy TV's as hole units and "e-waste" now.
    Yup this is the case in Ontario but I have no idea on other provinces. Don't forget jack that we all in Ontario now get to pay an extra tax on new electronics such as tv's when we buy them, that money is then used to ensure that at the end of their lives the electronics will be recycled in a safe and ethical manner, it's that same money that is payed back to you when you bring an old tv to your yard.
    It was slow to get moving, at first their was only locations that would accept electronics for free and recycle them through the governments program, now for me in Toronto I can take any item that is on the governments list and sell it to a yard at 12cents/lb.
    I have no idea about the selling of boards in Nova Scotia, their are outlets in Ontario which have prices which are competitive with the buyers south of the border on this forum for some items such as motherboards and finger cards, but when it comes to RAM and CPUs the prices which I have found are weak.

    wescrapmetal - I would dig a little deeper than what you see on the surface, I know when I first starting looking around I couldn't find much in the way of buyers for ewaste and computer scrap for PM recovery in ontario but they are out there. Don't mean to be a buzz kill but you probably aren't the first guy on the east coast to notice the potential, best of luck.

    I have yet to deal with customs when it comes to computer scrap (although that will soon change) but I did deal with it a lot in the past with other ventures I was in. Never had any serious issues, I also found FEDEX to be by the far the best at getting packages across the border without being opened and inspected and delayed.

  8. #8
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    I haven't been able to find a scrap yard in Winnipeg that doesn't think, or at least leave you feeling, that they are doing you a favour by taking escrap. E-cyclers here will gladly take the prime stuff, motherboards and such (for free), but charge a fee to take the less glamorous stuff like CRT monitors, etc. The metal scrap yards here are generations old and operate on a world wide scale so I know **** well they are making huge profits on the escrap they do "help" you with. By help I mean a buck a pound for motherboards and fingercards, anything lower grade they will take but not pay for.

    As far as shipping to the US from Canada, Customs on either side have never been the problem; its the **** carriers. As soon as you talk about crossing the border, they get the "cartoon dollar sign eyes" and give it to you, you know where without any lube.

    I would really appreciate it if one of the big time buyers or processors would educate the yards here on how to fairly treat the little guy and they will see their escrap portion of their business grow. They all promote on their websites how they are keeping hazardous materials out of the landfills and waterways, but really I think it is just lipstick on a pig.

    These are the reasons why my collection of boards, ram, cpus, etc, continues to grow. I don't need to sell it to make ends meet, but I'm not going to give it away either. I will sit on it as long as I can, space wise, and see if things change.

    Rant over.

  9. #9
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    They all promote on their websites how they are keeping hazardous materials out of the landfills and waterways, but really I think it is just lipstick on a pig.
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  11. #10
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Is that a pig. Didnt make it past the blue eyes...

  12. #11
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    heck if you got a few trucks and some cash lets set up along the border in a morton building i will move close enough to walk across each day you pick up i will scrap it out we will accept all across the country make our own free drop off depots and just pay for the glass we cant get rid of if no buyers near buy lol

  13. #12
    LarryB's Avatar
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    Cool GM Canada?

    Quote Originally Posted by thortek View Post
    Didn't NAFTA make it easier to ship INTO the US from Canada? I mean aren't GM card assembled in Canada?
    Not for long I've heard...

  14. #13
    LarryB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Ain't she a sweetie??

    Just found this. Too Funny Mech! rofl. Worst part is, you are SO right, like smoke and mirrors eh. Thanks for giving me a real good belly laugh buddy. Oh ya, have yourself a Super Happy Christmas! lb

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