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Latest ewaste shipment breakdown

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  1. #1
    miked started this thread.
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    Latest ewaste shipment breakdown

    I'm a little unsure if I really want to share this but I guess that's why we have this forum.

    I just got the numbers back from my buyer on my last shipment. I am going to use the actual total amounts.

    286.22 lbs of materal not including the shippping boxes

    $1245.59 gross
    -$159.80 shipping
    $1085.79 net to me

    $1245.59/286.22lb = $4.35 gross/lb

    $1085.79/286.22lb = $3.79 net/lb

    I think this may answer the question of some as to is it worth it? For me it is but like most things there is much left out of the above numbers. I paid for most of the materials I sold. Also I have held back a lot of items, harddrives, r/w dvd, memeory, cpu's. In addition a fair amount of Al, steel, insulated wire, brass and stainless steel, also not included in those numbers. Best of luck, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  3. #2
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing have been working real hard lately and it has been fun to watch you grow in your knowledge of e-waste so fast. You've helped us all a lot as you shared as you learned. I hope you find another good cache soon.

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  5. #3
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    i'm a little unsure if i really want to share this but i guess that's why we have this forum.
    why? we share everything else,
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  7. #4
    miked started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    why? we share everything else,
    Do we??? really.....?

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  10. #6
    miked started this thread.
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    I will take the time now to mention that the entire process went well. Ewasted arranged for Fedex to pick up from my front porch. One of the weighed about 100lbs so I wasn't going to move it around much(I have a hand cart).

    Payment through paypal which is what I requested. I have just requested a paypal debit card so payment will be even quicker. Currently it takes 3-5 days to move from paypal to my account.

    I am happy with the rate I was paid and how I was treated. Now all I have to do is find a few more pounds to send so I qualify for a secod guess at the $200 contest Ewasted has going on at his compay for customers during the month of Febuary. Best to all, Mike.

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  12. #7
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    I have to agree ewasted is a top notch buyer. Just like most of the buyers here on the forum. I look forward to sending him some CPU's now that he lowered is minimums.

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  14. #8
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    I'm a little unsure if I really want to share this but I guess that's why we have this forum.

    I just got the numbers back from my buyer on my last shipment. I am going to use the actual total amounts.

    286.22 lbs of materal not including the shippping boxes

    $1245.59 gross
    -$159.80 shipping
    $1085.79 net to me

    $1245.59/286.22lb = $4.35 gross/lb

    $1085.79/286.22lb = $3.79 net/lb

    I think this may answer the question of some as to is it worth it? For me it is but like most things there is much left out of the above numbers. I paid for most of the materials I sold. Also I have held back a lot of items, harddrives, r/w dvd, memeory, cpu's. In addition a fair amount of Al, steel, insulated wire, brass and stainless steel, also not included in those numbers. Best of luck, Mike.
    Hey Mike, now this is some good information and a great subject matter for a thread. Thanks for your decision to go ahead and share this. Now I'm gonna try to dig out just a little more info from you. Hang in there with me as I have yet to actually start my e-waste journey. Right now I'm just stock piling until I get time to figure it all out. Anyway, 2 questions come to mind.

    1: Correct me if I'm wrong here, but it seems the only material you sent in was the boards?
    2: I know this varies for everybody, but how long would you say it took you to accumulate the 286.22 lbs. of material?

    Ewasted, I figure this is as good a time as any to let you know that when I get this ball rolling I have decided to go with your company. Not ready to jump in just yet. 2 reasons.

    1: So far staying busy with the scrap metal.
    2: A little apprehensive.

    So I hope you're ready for the questions when I do start the teardowns!

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  16. #9
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    Way to go Miked.. It was easy...

    2: I know this varies for everybody, but how long would you say it took you to accumulate the 286.22 lbs. of material?

    It takes me @ a month

    1: So far staying busy with the scrap metal.
    2: A little apprehensive.

    Sending to EWASTED was easy..
    I sent @ 100 pounds that costed me @ 100 to ship via USPS...( I don't have easy access to a Fed ex location) with-in a week I had $$$

    now I need to fill one more Gaylord box and send it... FYI I can get between 500 and 800 pounds of motherboards in a gaylord. Depends on size of boards.

  17. #10
    miked started this thread.
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    Great additional info for comparing shipping there MLcomputers. I have heard that gaylord(pallet sized boxes) ship at about $0.30+/lb.

    It took me a about 1 1/2 months to geat this last load together. About half came from a government online auction. I paid about $6 per tower and got 7 lcd monitors for free. Its just the way I do the math in my head. I expect all the monitors are broken but perhaps fixable. The rest I got from pickers I pay about $5 each for. With my pickers I don't try to pay less because these guys keep bringing them. Now its not a lot 1,2,5, and as much a 10 at a time, but it is regular and I need that.

    That govet. auction group was 41 towers and I broke the towers down in a couple hours. I didn't even take them out of the van just set up containers behind me and tossed in the boards in one and other stuff in other ones. I broke down the dvd and other drives later. Also no hard drives except in one tower and not many memory sticks in them. And as a surprise two server towers, with two p3 chips each.

    I actually sent in a real mix of items. The majority of weight was mother boards. Here is a break down expressed in pounds.

    mb 205
    finger board 13
    mid grade 18
    server board 11
    hd board 4
    telcom 2
    memory 6
    slot cpu 2.8
    e prom 1.6
    pinless cpu 4.9
    green fiber cpu 0.75
    connectors 16

    You can see Ewasted's company sorts the material and grades it. All the information is in the report posted at his web site in you account for each package sent.

    I had sent in a load of just pci(finder cards) in December and had a small pile of mother boards so the accounting on this is difficult for me. I need to do a better job of keeping track of things if I want to nail down my actual profits.

    I recommend you start small and test out one of the buyers from this forum. I can asure you if my buyer treats me unfairly I will let you all know. Ewaste has been great to deal with and he will buy from people who are sending small loads.

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  19. #11
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    well considering that ewasted posts his prices he pays on this forum you shouldnt be apprehensive in the future just posting your report on here. I did it in the past and ewasted had no problem with it. I just cut and pasted it from his site to here. Look at it this way. If you say you liked the transaction its free advert for him. And we all know word of mouth is the best advert thier is.

  20. #12
    miked started this thread.
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    Perhaps in the future I will do as you say. I sent in 5 boxes as if they were 5 different transactions so I had to assembly them into one report. I post a lot here and I don't want to sound like I actually know what I am doing. I don't. This was my third shipment. I really do like tearing down computers. I do need to get back to breaking down motors. Enough of my rambling, Mike.

    PS. Why aren't you delivering mail right now??? Get to work mister.

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  22. #13
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    Perhaps in the future I will do as you say. I sent in 5 boxes as if they were 5 different transactions so I had to assembly them into one report. I post a lot here and I don't want to sound like I actually know what I am doing. I don't. This was my third shipment. I really do like tearing down computers. I do need to get back to breaking down motors. Enough of my rambling, Mike.

    PS. Why aren't you delivering mail right now??? Get to work mister.
    So is this why the post office is losing so much money? Lol - just kidding part time.
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  23. #14
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    Perhaps in the future I will do as you say. I sent in 5 boxes as if they were 5 different transactions so I had to assembly them into one report. I post a lot here and I don't want to sound like I actually know what I am doing. I don't. This was my third shipment. I really do like tearing down computers. I do need to get back to breaking down motors. Enough of my rambling, Mike.

    PS. Why aren't you delivering mail right now??? Get to work mister.
    DAY OFF!!! Was suppose to go to auction with KZ but I was going to work on my truck today till father in law called last night pipe broke in barn so I get to go dig a hole today and fix a water pipe.

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  25. #15
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    DAY OFF!!! Was suppose to go to auction with KZ but I was going to work on my truck today till father in law called last night pipe broke in barn so I get to go dig a hole today and fix a water pipe.
    Auction ended up being a bust, people paying retail + for used clue what they were thinking. Best part was someone came and bought a chimney cap from me while I was there.
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  27. #16
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    Hey Miked, what was the price per pound on the eproms? I am getting a shipment ready to send to him and didn't see that pricing on his list. Thank you

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