Q = What weighs more? A ounce of Gold or a ounce of feathers?
A = A ounce of Gold!
In NZ, I can't find a
escrap buyer. There are probably some, just not close enough.
So I'm going to have to refine the gold myself & I need a rough idea of how many computers I'm going to need to get 31 grams of gold.
At 0.15 grams per CPU, thats 207 Cpu's per Oz Gold.
I don't know what the gold content of the rest of the computer is, I'm expecting more than 0.15grams though.
At 0.3 grams per computer, thats still 100 computers, I have about 20 plus some odd finger boards as well.
Should I start work on the job with about 50 complete computers?