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  1. #1
    Big Tex started this thread.
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    Thumbs up Thanks EASY ! Will do more business with EASYRECYCLE - Very Satisfied $$$

    Just back from about 2 week vacation. On the way back home I decided to go through Dallas and stop by Easyrecycle ( Happy I did!!!). I am new to e-waste , don't know WTH im doing and want to learn all i can.
    Boy, was i more than satisfied. Easy and his staff treated me better than any yard i have ever been too. Not only did Easy take time ( aprrox. 3 hours or more.... ) educating me and getting me up to speed on the e-waste game. He treated me like a real friend. We not only shot the sh**, we also shot his gun! LOL...WOW!!!! BTW, FOREWARNING to any wanna be e-waste robbers thinking about hitting Easy's place, DON'T do IT!!!!!!!!!!! Thats all I will say.....
    I didn't take a whole lot of stuff in, just a couple of small refridgerator crisper drawer s full of several broken down computer parts. LOL....... Like I stated, this e-waste is all brand new to me and still in first phase of learning process. However, I was very SUPRISED when Easy weighed my e-waste and paid me approx. $75.00! The first thing that went through my mind was how I bust my A** loading and hauling a full size trailer of scrap metal and only get about $100.00 per load. Are u kidding me I thought? I just received $75.00 for only a few computer motherboards and hard drives! What have I been misssing? I am absolutely sold on e-waste, and I'm Absolutely Sold on EASYRECYCLE for all my e-waste selling.
    I have never had prior dealings with Easy, or any e-waste buyer before 2-09-2012, but I can say this. For me, I will be doing all my future e-waste business with Easy and his staff. I know some people only think about price and how much $$$$$ am I gonna make with this buyer, and i agree price is very important. However, I too want the best price when im selling, but I also want GREAT customer service berfore, during, and especially after the sale. With Easy, I feel very satisfied with all stages of the selling process.
    I don't know any of the other buyers on this forum and am sure they are all Great, or we would hear about it. But if anyone has the chance of being in the Dallas - Ft. Worth area I highly recommend stoping by Easy's. Trust me, It will be well worth it $$$$$.

    Thanks to Easy and his staff. I do look forward to having a great business and friendship relationship!
    Last edited by Big Tex; 02-12-2012 at 09:27 AM.

  2. The Following 8 Users say Thank You for This Post by Big Tex:

  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Thanks for taking the time to let us know how your experience with Easy went. One the most important services forum members can do is pass on good and bad reviews of buyers. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  4. #3
    Big Tex started this thread.
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    TRUE . TRUE....TRUE! Your welcome Miked

  5. #4
    Big Tex started this thread.
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    Oh, did i forget to mention that easy paid me $3.70 lbs. for CHINESE,RUSSIAN,GERMAN,PURTO RICAN etc.......................LOL..
    EASYRECYCLE did not discriminate when it came to motherboards.

  6. #5
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    I'm happy that you enjoyed your self and me and my staff would love for you to come on over again. If there is anything we can do just let me know!
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
    My Name Stephan Harz
    My YouTube page

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  8. #6
    admin's Avatar
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    In the future, please try and post reviews in the buyer's or seller's thread itself rather than on the main forum with a new thread. I'll leave the last 2 that came in but try to keep things in the appropriate spots I'm sure the buyers wouldn't mind having reviews in their thread for people to see when researching someone to do business with.

  9. #7
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    That makes an enjoyable read!

    "roaming the streets, looking for treats"

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Torker Man for This Post:

  11. #8
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    I had a similar experience with Easy...I happened to have a reason to drive to Dallas last Fall, so I took some stuff with me. Got that EASY money and spent way too much of it at a lovely Dallas adult establishment. BYOB? Bottomless?! What was a Hoosier boy to do!

    Anyway, here is some love for Easy, photo style!

    ((really, just wanted to brag on the new cc piece XD9 subcompact whutwhut!))

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Enoch43 for This Post:

  13. #9
    Big Tex started this thread.
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    LOL......... Thats funny!

  14. #10
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    Yea you came down before we had our new building...the setup is MUCH better and I have a few toys over there =D

    Is that the 9? Cant be a 45 looks to thin.

  15. #11
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    Yeah, that is the XD9. Honestly, I would prefer to carry a .40 S&W; but I also like to shoot, and 9mm ammo is like 30%-40% cheaper. Also, I have another 9mm, so they can eat from the same box. Eventually, though, looking to start getting into 1911 platforms in .45acp.

    Till then, though, my XD packing 17rds of quality self defense ammo will be juuuuuuuuuust fiiiiiiiiiiiine

    What do you let your customers burn up ammo on, Easy? I know you have mentioned Mosin's here before.....

  16. #12
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    I emailed easy, and it must not be that easy... j/k lol But still no repyl.

  17. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by performancecpu View Post
    I emailed easy, and it must not be that easy... j/k lol But still no repyl.
    Don't think I ever got your e-mail? When did you send it and to what e-mail account you sent it to? If you sent it today its because I was not i the office and the office computer (forgot to change the setting) down loads all e-mails and then deletes them off the server to save "space" so if you sent it today.. I will be right on it in the morning. If you sent it over the weekend same issue as we are not open on the weekend.

    If you send it before the weekend and and you have not had a reply then there is a issue as you should of had one! Send me a pm on here and when I get into the office I will check on that first thing in the morning.

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