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  1. #21
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    I love it devo. Wish we all had too much !

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  3. #22
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    On the towers if you pull all the covers off you can stick two together and take up almost half as much room.
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  5. #23
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    I'm not sure of your situation, but here's my background info - escrap is part time work for me. I have a wife and 5 kids from 2 yrs to 13 yrs old and a full time day job with an hour commute each way. Due to the family and work, my time is at a premium... Most of my escrap processing is done from 10:00pm to 1:30am after the kids go to bed.
    If I got a storage unit and went there after getting off work, my wife and kids would be mad. Also, if I had my stuff all over the kitchen, my wife would be PI$$ED... It's bad enough with it stacked (piled) in the garage.
    The first thing to do is prioritize. If there's stuff you can get rid of easily to make lots of room, do it. Box up stuff that's ready to go and stack them nicely. Get fry boxes from McDonalds to organize.
    If you have a bunch of printers and your yard pays shred for them, remove the ink cartridges and take the rest down to the yard. There's not much in printers that are worth the time (although I am still breaking down printers because I'm not out of room yet...). Keep an eye out for printers with easy to access boards. Laser printers are usually easy to get to the boards. Some inkjets have boards that are easy to get to. If you want to process the inkjet printers, I've found that the easiest thing to do is unscrew the few screws on the back or bottom, grab on to the front part where the paper comes out and rip it apart. No reason to be gentle - it's all scrap. If you have a bunch of monitors and can't break them down (due to the crt tubes), take them down to goodwill. or separate working from non-working, stick the working up on CL for $5-10 and take the non-working down to goodwill. Printers and Monitors are some of the least stackable things... That should free up a decent amount of room.
    Desktops and laptops are easily stacked. Just make sure you stack similar sized items. If any have weird front covers (a lot of compaqs do), rip them off so you can stack them nicely. The nice thing about the desktops is that they are typically easy to stack and they are fast to process. I don't mind having stacks of desktops in my garage, but I hate the crt monitors and printers since they end up in a pile.

    I know at my house, first priority would be to "get the ****ed puters out of my kitchen".

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  7. #24
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    One of the "tools" I have been using that assisted me in breaking down towers is a stool. It was given to me so the price was right. It is four legged, with a padded seat. I like it best because it is high enough I don't have to bend over to work, it really saves on the back.

    I lay the tower on its side and can spin it around so I can spin it around while I use my drill with the long phillips bit on it. I am very fast breaking down the towers now. I have bins set up for the various componets to toss them into. I toss the cases out the door or directly into my truck ready to take it to the salvage yard.

    The last big load I had I broke them down as I pulled them out of my van. Again I had containers set up nearby to toss the items into so they are pre-sorted. I wish I had another big load to worry about. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  9. #25
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    I feel your pain.

    We moved a few months back. Upgraded to a bigger house with almost 2 acres and a 3 stall garage. I have 1 pallet and a full 6X8 trailer of computers sitting outside on the camper pad. I have so much in the garage it's hard to walk in. 1 garbage can full for power cords and 2 garbage cans full of low grade clipped wire (IDE, power supply, cat5, phone...) So much to unpack yet and so much to process. and, my other business ventures are taking up more and more room and are way more profitable then escap so they are taking all my free time. (ebay and amazon)

    I scrap for 1 hospital, 1 clinic, 4 pc repair shops, and one telecom guy. Adding more clients all the time. All material I get for free. I don't take printers and monitors. Even without taking them, it's easy to get buried under just the towers and wires. I just look at it as money waiting to be pulled out, so it's not all bad... it just sucks that it takes up my entire garage in the winter!

    Don't get me wrong. Nothing to complain about. I have yet to buy scrap (other then that full server rack for a total of $50). That would drive me nuts.

    Anyway. Good luck and know there are more of us in your position then you know! It's part of this business... as I'm finding.

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  11. #26
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    1 garbage can full for power cords and 2 garbage cans full of low grade clipped wire (IDE, power supply, cat5, phone...)
    You might want to pick up some plastic 55 barrels so you can do away with the trash cans. Their still easy to handle but a lot lighter than steel barrels. Up near the top you can use a jigsaw and saw a couple of handles in it.
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  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by wdaddy View Post
    .........2 garbage cans full of low grade clipped wire (IDE, power supply, cat5, phone...
    Cat5 cable is number 2 wire. anyone who tells you other wise is cheating you.
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  14. #28
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    I agree with Easy, you should get #2 insulated on Cat 5 as well as Cat 3(Phone cable) as long as the ends are cut off. IDE cables are 25 or 35% recovery and go for much less.

  15. #29
    thortek's Avatar
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    I use the 5 gaallon plastic totes with built in handles for boards. I lay 3 side by side and then stack one more on top the other direction...It's very organized!
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  17. #30
    devo started this thread.
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    Thanks for all the kind words, support, and advice all! I worked my a$$ of on that stuff yesterday and am starting to make some headway. Would have posted back here last night but fell asleep on the couch.

    So far all the towers and upc's are broken down and I'm going to haul in the shred this morning. Still got some big stuff to breakdown but want to get all those cases gone, got more than a load now anyway.
    Last edited by devo; 02-25-2012 at 08:04 AM. Reason: spelling

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  19. #31
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Good for you! Don't forget to take your wife out for a nice dinner for the inconvenience. Then next time she will be happy to share the kitchen!

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  21. #32
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    Wish my wife would learn that injunjoe. All yesterday I was pulling a e scrap load out of my truck I bought for a 100 usd. Brought piece by piece in the house and sorted and processed in front of the tv. All bloody night she *****ed and moaned. She seems to forgot we ate out twice in two days at the tune of 50.00 cash lol.

    Wish my wife was understanding.

  22. #33
    devo started this thread.
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    Nah I'll make her dinner instead, that seems make her melt everytime (as long as I do the dishes too)!

  23. #34
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    When my girlfriend complains about all the stuff in the house, I just show her the ticket from the yard. Works every time.

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  25. #35
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by devo View Post
    Nah I'll make her dinner instead, that seems make her melt everytime (as long as I do the dishes too)!

    Great idea! That will make her happy and save money at the same time!

    Ozzy present the idea that if you don't break down scrap she will have to start looking for a job or if she has one then another job. That should persuade her thinking a little!

  26. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    On the towers if you pull all the covers off you can stick two together and take up almost half as much room.
    you can also take a 10 pound sledge and hammer them almost flat
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  27. #37
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drozenski View Post
    you can also take a 10 pound sledge and hammer them almost flat
    That was as in a fast way to stack them before disassembling them, that part was implied. Sorry if you missed it.

  28. #38
    devo started this thread.
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    Since someone asked here, and a few others asked in pm's here the rough take after sorting and repacking:

    Towers: 32 (now dissembled, parts used in the other counts)
    Monitor :1 (thank God)
    Cpu: 27 (most were already gone)
    Memory: about the same as cpu's for the same reason
    Power supplies: 212
    Hard drives: 387
    I/o boards (video, network, modem etc): didn't count but several hundred pounds
    Floppies: 250+
    CD/Dvd : 200+
    UPC: 21
    Other: still got stuff to work on like a bunch of old scsi server drive expansion bays ('bout 20 or so)

    Cables, oh the cables! There are boxes and boxes and boxes of brand new ide and the old ata cables, got to be well over 5000 at least. Also got boxes of brand new sata cables (1800 so far, will ebay those) and usb to mobo cables.

    Mother boards: 250+

    Still got a bunch of stuff to go through, like tape drives, and some smaller boxes I haven't opened yet.

    I have been wanting to set up an Escrap buying service for Canadians like you guys have in the US with some of our members here, but figured I needed to get better educated first. Guess I'm getting that education now!
    Last edited by devo; 02-25-2012 at 06:47 PM.

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  30. #39
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    i'd check what those mobos are selling at on ebay, at least a few of them.

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