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Wood Chipper to Plastic Chipper...Anyone?

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  1. #1
    thortek started this thread.
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    Wood Chipper to Plastic Chipper...Anyone?

    I know there is a thread on here somewhere, but alas, the search button failed me.

    Anyone have a picture of this set up? I need to make some room, I have a Craftsman Wood Chipper, I just need to put it to work. I just want to see how you have it set up to get the plastic into a Triwall box.
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  2. #2
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    the only folks I remember reading about rented them ! Reelman may have a setup though

  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Thortek, the experiment we tried before it got cold was running the plastic thru and right into a cardboard box (standard single wall). The chipper has so much force that it was knocking a hole into the box. Our thinking was to add a large piece of flex hose and use the chipper to blow it into the box. The chipper needs to be higher than the box. The chipper definitely chewed the plastic up into smaller pieces and that was at 1/4 or 1/3 speed, if we would have turned the speed up it would have blown a hole right thru the box. My thinking is that the hose would slow down the speed of the plastic shards. Definitely need to use ear protection around this while using the chipper. Will experiment more after the weather turns around.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 02-28-2012 at 12:09 PM.
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    thortek started this thread.
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    Thanks Mech! I think this will be my project this week. I have a guy that'll take all of my ABS, but I have to drive it down to him. I don't really want to haul a trailer down because the stuff is too chunky, So I think I'll shred it down into a single Triwall into the bed of my truck.

    I'm going to add some metal ductwork..I think that'll slow down the pieces a little, and I'm using triwall (Actually 5 wall) boxes. I'll let you know what I work out!

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    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    My other thought was to build a wood box like chute and have the chipper blow the chips into it then use a scoop (grain) shovel to shovel it into the gaylord.
    Wouldn't work in your case with it in the truck, lol
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 02-28-2012 at 11:52 PM.

  8. #6
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    What was the rough size of the chips? I'm going to need to come up with something like this soon too. That plastic stuff really adds up fast! Sure wish I could get a few pennies a pound for it.

  9. #7
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Old farm boy trick. tie a gunney sack to the spout of the chipper.

    I was asking about the wood chipper thing several months ago, finaly got an answer.

    Mec88 what size wood chipper ? how many HP.

    when you shred the plastic, be sure to seperate the colors and the type of plastic.

  10. #8
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    I just throw every thing in a gaylord un ground. Although, the plastic people I deal with don't want it ground, so if you are trying to get $$ for it, you should check with your buyer first.

    Quote Originally Posted by thortek View Post
    I know there is a thread on here somewhere, but alas, the search button failed me.

    Anyone have a picture of this set up? I need to make some room, I have a Craftsman Wood Chipper, I just need to put it to work. I just want to see how you have it set up to get the plastic into a Triwall box.

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  12. #9
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    I would be interested in a source that buys ground up or baled plastic, as possibly would others here on the forum. Would you be willing to divulge your source?


  13. #10
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    What was the rough size of the chips?
    The chips ranged from silver dollar size to playing card size with a few longer skinny chunks thrown in. About like you would get with chipping wood branches. I think this one is a 4 or 4 1/2 hp. has plenty of power, if you get a used one just make sure the blades are sharpened before you start. The unit will not work as hard. Everything I have stocked seems to ABS style of plastic. If you mix the colors they can still use it by mixing in with a darker color when using (blending) it.

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  15. #11
    thortek started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reelman65 View Post
    I just throw every thing in a gaylord un ground. Although, the plastic people I deal with don't want it ground, so if you are trying to get $$ for it, you should check with your buyer first.
    The guy I'm dealing with is here in Ohio. He said that unchipped he'd have to see about 20-30 boxes (Gaylords) before he could offer to pay for it. If I want to get rid of what I have now I have to bring it to him.

    My plan is to chip it and fill a box that way, and save myself a couple of trips. I think I can fit 4 or 5 gaylords full of material into a single gaylord chipped.

    Guys keep in mind on average a plastic grinder is only about $500 on ebay, if you have the space for it. And I wouldn't bother separating plastics. Like someone else said they'll just mix it with dark, or another color.

    I DO have aguy paying a premium for end rolls of diaper plastic, or pop bottle labels etc. If you come across anything like that let me know and I'm pretty sure hell come get it!

  16. #12
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    I worked as a temp for a plastic co. running their grinder. They molded plastic trim pieces for the auto and rv industry. We used to get in mixed boxes (different colors) and it was just marked a special # and after being ground it was mixed back into the new plastic. I would average about 10 boxes ground up a day at 1100 lb ea. but going thru a large hammermill the pieces looked like small dog food chunks when they came out. I could shove stuff 4' wide and 7' long into it. Would have a hammering headache for a couple of hours afterwords.

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