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Does anyone else see this in the yards you go to?

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  1. #1
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Does anyone else see this in the yards you go to?

    I touched on this a little in another thread here tonight and wanted to expand on it a bit. Today I saw a scrapper drive by while I was delivering mail with computers in the back of his truck. I figured he was going to throw them in the shred pile. What made me think this was I made a run to the scrap yard this week and while I was there I was looking at the shred pile and counted at least 20 computers laying on the ground waiting for the front end loader to come by and sweep them into the huge pile. I stopped and talked to one of the yard foreman about it and asked him who I would talk to about maybe having them pulled to the side and I would buy them from the yard. He told me dont bother cause this company makes millions every year and they wouldnt even consider it. They allready have bins set on the side of the pile where they pull out CRT's and Propane tanks and such. In my mind I figured how hard would it be to pull the towers out of the pile as well. Anyone else run into this?

    On a side note same guy asked what about sell phones? Told him I knew a buyer at $5 a pond for them. Well on my second trip to the yard that day he was like I got 6 allready. It was like 3 hours later. If he got that many cell phones in 3 hours just imagine how many computers get thrown to the shredder at that yard every day.

    Lastly. Would you think it would be a problem if I parked my truck out on the street next to the yard with a sign on the tailgate saying buying scrap computers $5 each? I would think the yard might get mad. I know it wouldnt be illegal being on a public street but I might want to try this at a yard I dont use Thaughts?

  2. #2
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    Don't have any advice on the buying end, but we used to get frustrated seeing all the good car parts at the yards that we weren't allowed to buy.

    Carbs, wheels, complete 50's and 60's engines., some NOS factory parts...just scrapped. Finally a friend of mine got an "in" with somebody and they let him buy a few pieces at scrap value.

    After scoring a few $20 and $40 carbs, someone gave him a funny looking manifold with 3 carbs on it...67 Vette tripower intake, complete. $1500 on ebay!

    I guess the moral is keep trying???

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  4. #3
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    PTS, is your yard an independant? If so, talk to the manager and give him your card. Let him know how much a pound you'll pay for computers.

  5. #4
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by freonjoe View Post
    PTS, is your yard an independant? If so, talk to the manager and give him your card. Let him know how much a pound you'll pay for computers.
    After posting this I sent them an email. Hope to hear from them soon. Like the old saying goes if you dont ask the answer is no right?

  6. #5
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    I've bought stuff from my scrapyard so it can be done. If it's in the shred pile, I'll pull it out and take it up to the office. Helps that the yard knows me.

  7. #6
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    my yard lets me pick them up if i see them and pay shred price for them, but i have never seen more then 1 or 2 there when i go. they dont have many employees and if i offered 5$ a computer i doubt they would spend time picking them up not worth it to them.

  8. #7
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    I tried to talk to the manager of the big local yard about the same situation. They said that once they weigh it and put it in... they can't sell anything out. They're part of a larger scrap chain that owns 20 or so yards in the region. Apparently they're going to start buying up circuit boards too...

  9. #8
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    I get a small but regular supply from one of employees at the scrap yard. He has a deal with the owner. I don't get large quanities, ten at most. I also pay top dollar for them. I believe paying more for a regular supply. The reason it worked for me is the owner doesn't mind his guy making a few dollars. I don't know what the employee pays but I suspect a couple of dollars each. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

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  10. #9
    Jeremiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prgiva View Post
    I tried to talk to the manager of the big local yard about the same situation. They said that once they weigh it and put it in... they can't sell anything out. They're part of a larger scrap chain that owns 20 or so yards in the region. Apparently they're going to start buying up circuit boards too...
    I know that some yards don't have retail licenses to resell.

  11. #10
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    We buy from yards all the time. The smaller yards are much more apt to do it as increasing their profits even a small percentage makes it worth it. The bigger yards are a bit harder, because they do see so much material come through and that extra buck or two is just not worth the time to them. If you can afford .25/lb-.30/lb i think you would get some better response. Some big yards we are paying .30/lb but are getting a couple tons a week.
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  12. #11
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    I would glady pay 2.5 times shred price. Thats what I offered them too in my email. That would curently be 30 cents a pound at that yard. I would also glady take a couple tons a week Maybe I should go one day and set up on the street with a sign for a free soda and pass out cards and maybe catch them before they go into the yard or make contacts with the scrappers. One of my best contacts so far was a scrapper who responded to my CL add to buy computers. I buy about 20 a month from him.

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  14. #12
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    Every time you go to the yard talk to the other scrappers as you are dropping of metal. Hand off your cards and let em know what you can give them. Best advertisement is word of mouth.

  15. #13
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    definitely have better luck at smaller yards. Some yards we pay a .25 per pound. Our regular yard we recycle at lets me take them after i empty out and i pay just the .12 tthey do. They dont get many and they know the rest is coming right back to them. Just ask. if no then ask a month later, maybe persistence will pay off.

  16. #14
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    Not sure if this should be in a separate thread, but it seems related: I was thinking of placing an ad on CL in the barter section. Basically, I would offer exchanging steel/shred scrap for computers. My volumes are low and I only collect computers and computer periphery so most of the steel/shred I get is from desktop chassis and the like. So I can't expect much in exchange. But then again, I don't have space or time to process a lot, so even getting half a dozen computers at once would be great. Plus it's not worth it for me to take the steel to a scrap yard myself so getting my backyard cleaned is another benefit.

    Anyway, has anyone tried advertising such an arrangement? Did it work? How did you figure out a good "exchange rate"?

  17. #15
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    My yard started buying up computer scrap after handing out a couple handfuls of my cards, guess they wanted to get in on the act. Still buying from the trash company tho, on a monthly basis. No more than a dozen at a time. But you seen the shape they were in. Pretty bad shape after being drug out of the back of a trash truck.
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  18. #16
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    I think alot of you will jeopardize your businesses by educating these scrap yards.
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  20. #17
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    knowledge is key like e-wasted said keep it to yourself. Some stuff I let people know some stuff I keep to myself. Remember a scrap yard is in business to make money and scrappers come and go. If this was 10 years ago this forum would only have a 1/8 of the members it has now. Everyone wants to be a scrapper.

  21. #18
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    I think Ewasted is 100% correct on this. I would also apply that to other scrappers. I find myself constantly walking on eggshells when explaining to people what I do. Take a look at E scrap auctions on Ebay and see how many times the word "gold" shows up in all caps lock.

  22. #19
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    scrapyards have the resources (money and labor) and volume. Why train them?

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  24. #20
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    PTS...what yard do you currently use if you don't mind me asking? Send me a PM and I can give you a few ideas.

    As far as selling to the yard doesn't have a license to sell to the public. Nor do I think they would ever pursue it. I think that it would open up a pandora's box. We would have people climbing all over the shred pile while our crane's are loading trucks. It would be an insurance nightmare!

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