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My little jackpot

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  1. #1
    Insanity is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    My little jackpot

    So I've been sitting here reading about people stumbling upon loads of E-scrap for a while now. Listening to how they seem to just trip over a printer and into a pile of computers.

    While at the moment, I'm not actively searching out stuff, I am mentioning that I'm collecting E-Scrap in conversations when the moment pops up. Well word has gotten around my school that I collect e-scrap, and that word has reached the teachers... who are rearranging the classes between the semesters. All the excess computer parts and test equipment, already has my name on it. This is also an ITT Tech...

    The only bad part is I go to a workshop on the 20th for setting up a business and getting this whole ball rolling. That's the main reason I'm not actively looking right now, just scouting. I may need more room...

    The first box of stuff I got from them, had a commodore 64 in it, the CPU and keyboard parts, An old tape drive, and an old 5.25 inch floppy drive. The hard drives were also measured in MB... not GB... that's how old this stuff is.

    Just had to tell somebody, since my girlfriend didn't really understand the excitement.

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  3. #2
    thortek's Avatar
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    All Very exciting! that's exactly how business is built! By word of mouth. My day job is sales and management, and I make more money from referrals than by cold calling and hardcore sales.

    It takes both, and it takes hard work. Get into this NOW and make your niche, because this is the next generation of "scrapping"
    “Most people miss opportunity because it wears overalls and looks like work .” ― Thomas A. Edison

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  5. #3
    parrothead's Avatar
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    yep, that is how it works. If I had some spare cash I would offer you a bid on the C64 stuff, but it is worth more than I can give out. Would love to have my old C64 and all of it's components.

    Send me a few pics of that and I may make an offer. Way more than scrap. I have been wanting an old C64 and a 1541 drive for some time. Would make this old geek happy.

  6. #4
    Insanity is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by thortek View Post
    All Very exciting! that's exactly how business is built! By word of mouth. My day job is sales and management, and I make more money from referrals than by cold calling and hardcore sales.

    It takes both, and it takes hard work. Get into this NOW and make your niche, because this is the next generation of "scrapping"
    That's the plan, I'm just quite surprised at how fast word of mouth got around. Once I get the workshop done, then it'll be me going around to the stores and seeing what I can get, and the school will be able to get me all their computers as they break. Right now it's just a few components.

    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    yep, that is how it works. If I had some spare cash I would offer you a bid on the C64 stuff, but it is worth more than I can give out. Would love to have my old C64 and all of it's components.

    Send me a few pics of that and I may make an offer. Way more than scrap. I have been wanting an old C64 and a 1541 drive for some time. Would make this old geek happy.
    I've thought about selling it, but being a geek myself I've also thought about keeping it. Main issue would be, I have no idea how I would see if it even works. It's just the keyboard and drive, no monitor or cables, and it was a school demo unit, so there was probably some abuse i there somewhere.

    I'll keep you in mind if I do decide to get rid of it.

    Edit: I'll see about some pictures tomorrow, gonna be a busy day though so no guarantees.

  7. #5
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    Your girlfriend will understand when pay day comes.

    Congrats on the jack pot.

  8. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Print yourself up some do-it-yourself business cards and use them while your networking, that way they still have your info tomorrow, and next week, while their mind is on business. Can't expect them to rely on memory only.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  9. #7
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    i'd pull the boards off of em, toss the rest in with shred

  10. #8
    Insanity is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    Your girlfriend will understand when pay day comes.

    Congrats on the jack pot.

    She understands the paydays, she's seen what I can get when I did a test run to see if it was worth getting into. It's the excitement over getting a C64 she didn't get. :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Print yourself up some do-it-yourself business cards and use them while your networking, that way they still have your info tomorrow, and next week, while their mind is on business. Can't expect them to rely on memory only.
    That'll come once I get a business thing going. The only people that know I do this are friends and family since I'm short on space at the moment, I don't want this blowing up too big before I can do anything with it. Don't want to toe any lines that'll get this whole venture stopped before it's started.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    i'd pull the boards off of em, toss the rest in with shred
    That's normally what I'd do, but being as old as they are, I may seek resale elsewhere.

  11. #9
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    hmmm, where did i get a stack of floppy drives from? that's what i was referring to, but i don't see it on this thread now. I've still got stacks of old hard drives in the under 512 MB category. Even have a 10MB, one of the first ones made, it's on an add in card, used in the first Compaq, which i also have one of. Also I have a huge one, 8 inch platters, I think it weighs 30-35 pounds(been a while since i weighed it ) I was considering attending ITT in Nashville, and as this guy was showing me around we passed some glass cabinets filled with old PC memorabilia. I just thought well hek, i've got better looking stuff than that in my closet lol

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