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Help or ideas for shipping ewaste

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  1. #1
    Scrappingwson started this thread.
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    Help or ideas for shipping ewaste

    Hi everyone, I introduced myself a couple of weeks back and I got my first question, Since I have been scrapping I have been saving the Hard drives (100lbs) Mother boards (I got 130 or them, so over a 100lbs?). 34lbs of those finger cards, 9-10lbs of memory and 7.2 lbs of the CPU chips. My question is How do you guys ship the stuff to the online buyers without loosing money or making a decent profit? I went with FeD ex to get some estimates and this is all rough since I didnt break out the tape measure and measure the box but the mother boards shipped in a dishwasher sized box will cost 199$ from CT to Idiana (estimates only, used one company that would post there zip code without entering a bunch of info. I estimate that they are worth maybe 330$. That is a lot of money on shipping. So what do you guys use? Also do you break down the harddrives or leave them whole? I know what to do with everything else and what is promting the question is I was able to pick up 60-70 computer towers and 60 monitors from a local high school, now I need to get rid of the computer stuff. Thanks Ron

  2. #2
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I have yet to ship any ewaste but I can tell you that shipping very large boxes can cost more then sending several smaller ones. Best bet is to check with several of the buyers directly as to what they offer as incentives. Probably a good idea to check with those east of the Mississippi to keep cost down.
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  3. #3
    Scrappingwson started this thread.
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    I'll try with some smaller boxes, I was going to go with people listed or reviewed from here so I know that someone has used them before

  4. #4
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    If your estimates of weight are correct, I will gladly pick it all up if you want to sell it for $330. Not sure which buyer your are going to send them to, but check out the buyers and sellers page. One buyer pays for shipping, most of them pay a lot more than your estimate. My calculation of your stuff is a minimum of $809 (depending on what the cpu's are).

  5. #5
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Yeah you have $400 worth of motherboards alone. Try and make boxes that weigh in the 60 to 70 pound range that will cost you ruffly $40 to send fedex ground. I know ewasted will send you a fedex shipping label and take it out of the price of the boards. Least thats what I do.

  6. #6
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    I am not pushing my buyer but he is the only one I have dealt with. Ewasted' company can arrange for fedex pick up and he does get a better rate than I can get from fedex. He prepays(if you ask for this service) shipping and takes out the exact cost from the pay out. So YOU are paying for shipping.

    Even the buyers who pay for shipping you will be paying with a lower price than you would get if you shipped it youself. Nothing wrong with that its just another way of doing the same thing.

    I just shipped two boxes and in a couple days I can share with you the cost of shipping and weight and dementions of the boxes. One box weighted about 75lbs and the other about 60lbs. Let me know if this would be helpful, Mike.
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  7. #7
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    PTS, jinx you owe me a coke. lol

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  9. #8
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Hey I dont change my prices of what I buy when I help pay for shipping. My method of helping pay for shipping cost is based on how many good items you send me for resale. But then again im not a huge buyer.

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  11. #9
    Scrappingwson started this thread.
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    Oh the 330$ was just for the mother boards as an example of what I found at fed ex for weight to ship and to show that 1/2 of it went to shipping, so I guess I was kindof in shock. If 800 bucks of stuff is your estimate that was pretty close to mine of 730$ using alot of the low payouts.

    what does everyone do with the harddrives? leave them together or take them apart?

  12. #10
    Scrappingwson started this thread.
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    Mike- It would be very helpful. Thanks

  13. #11
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    PTS has a good deal with working hard drives, you need to speak with him.

    On the ones that can not be sold as working hard drives I break down. I remove the board, which pays good. The rest might be able to be sold at the scrap yard as dirty Al or Al breakage, you need to contact your yard. I break the all the way down and sell the Al and SS as clean metals. Mike

  14. #12
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    hek with shipping 100 pounds of hard drives! yank the boards off them and throw the rest in dirty aluminum, unless you care to dismantle them farther, into SS and clean aluminum piles. If you check Fed-Ex I think they have an oversized shipment category that may do as well as smaller boxes, I never used it tho. You'll probly do best to break it down to smaller packages tho, like they've already said. 50-70 pounds max
    Arcoa has a yard in baltimore, isn't that pretty close to you there?
    Last edited by Bear; 03-25-2012 at 11:45 AM.

  15. #13
    Scrappingwson started this thread.
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    Baltimore is a little bit far to drive. If I sold the hard drive whole to my local scrapyard they call it copper breakage at 10cents per pound, The alum/stainless would be 40 to 60 cents if I broke them down, which would be ok. I understand the boards are worth something what about the platters??? The mirror finish round things that all the info is written on are they worth something like the boards are? Thanks for all the replies it helps

  16. #14
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I'll try to help out a little; break the H.D.'s down, save the rest to break down when your slow but yes the alum. and s.s. will sell seperatly for more money. The platters and magnets are sellable, magnets sell online, platters sell as alum. (be sure to wipe them good to wipe out any info). Worry about what motherboards will fit in the big box, the smaller boards, h.d. and memory and chips could go packed in a flat rate box for some savings.
    I also thought we had a buyer out on the east coast, maybe I'm mistaken.
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  17. #15
    Jeremiah's Avatar
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    Shipping is the most annoying part of e-waste. There is a market for someone to come in and take care of all the logistics for e-waste buyers. One of you savvy people out there needs to start a business where you will research all this shipping information, compare to all e-waste buyer prices and tell us the best deal at what weight per box. I would pay for it!

  18. #16
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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  19. #17
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    So far in all the research I have done here in colorado. Ewasted is the best deal pound for pound and pay outs after shipping and he will send you a prepaid fedex label and take it out of the payment for your stuff. THis is however for less than 70 pound boxes. When your talking gaylords full shipping costs very alot.

  20. #18
    Scrappingwson started this thread.
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    I just split the mother boards into two 20x20x24 boxes and I am still around 80 to 85 lbs each, So I think I got more weight in motherboards then I thought. however it is just a bathroom scale that I was using to figure this out. My last box is 47lbs and it is a 16x16x16. I am about to go to the shipping websites and see what they say. And when I finished the last 14 computers today I was about 110 lbs in hard drives which equaled 6.4lbs of harddrive boards. I had my 6 year old take off boards and managed to do it in about 1.5 hours. While my son was doing the hardrive I started on the monitors and discovered that the majority appear to be clipped covers and not the type where the cover is held on by screws so I that has added alot of time per monitor, But the copper payout will be good.

  21. #19
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    I think the payout from the ewaste will get your attention. I would not touch moitors unless they were part of the deal. Where I live there is a charge to get rid of the tubes with the county. I hope you took pictures because its nice to look back and see where it begain.

  22. #20
    Scrappingwson started this thread.
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    The Monitors are part of the deal and here in CT you can turn them into bestbuy or the town transfer station free (for recyling). Best buy is limited to 3 per day, there are some other places but basically if you sell a tv then you got to take the old one for recycling. State law. I just ran the fed ex for the packing the way I have it now and I did Ohio as the end destination and it came to 140 bucks for the 3 packages, So smaller size box did work and also having multiple boxes I think had something to do with it. I just hope that quote was real, I guess UPS is next. But if the price is right it could be a potential profit of 700$, That would make my day

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