So I looked on the back of it, and it has connections for a keyboard, mouse and printer, but also 2 gold-pinned connections labeled A and B, then these cable-like connectors labeled R, B & G, and a LAN connection. At the top it also has this big gold-pinned connection labeled "SCSI A". It also says "Data General" which is a company out of Westboro, MA that was popular during the 70s and 80s and went defunct in the 90s.
Upon more research, it appears to be a Data General AV 400 Series either power supply or microcomputer. Here is an identical picture I found on the net
It says Archive company on the inside of the disk drive or whatever it is (not sure, it so old, and has this little pulley for when you push the button to eject whatever it was that went in there).
Some of the gold chips appear to be motorolla, as they have the M emblem. I'm wondering if I should hang on to them.