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Hard Drive Part Help

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  1. #1
    CMI started this thread.
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    Hard Drive Part Help

    Hey guys broke down a few Hard Drives today and had a few questions. Thanks for your help in advance!

    Not sure what this is was underneath Platters.

    Are Magnets worth Anything?

    These connect the drive to the board. Worth anything?

    Near the Read/Write head, some are copper colored some are yellow and silver.

    All Aluminum,Yes?

    Does this count as Dirty Aluminum?

    Are all the covers Stainless steel? Some of them stuck to the magnet and some didn't. These stuck.

    These didn't.

    Any Identification and help would be great, Thanks all and Happy Easter!

  2. #2
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    First pic is a motor, my yard allows me to leave them in.

    Yes magnets are worth money check ebay.

    3rd pic yes those will go for $2 per pound

    It's copper just different colors.

    Pic 5. Not all of it is alum. check it with a magnet. The patters go for more than alum if sold on ebay.

    pic 6 will be clean alum

    Stuck = steel non stick = stainless or alum. You can tell with a scratch test or by weight.
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  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    #1- Those are the motors, but I think their alum on the outside. Could sell for motors at .25-.28 or sell for alum at .55
    #2- Those are neodymium magnets, I think they sell on Ebay.
    #3- I think they have gold plated connectors where they plug in, I'm saving mine till I get a bucket full.
    #4- Fine copper wire.
    #5- ?? not sure what those are unless they are the spacers. If your asking about spacers, some are alum. the top one is usually s.s.
    #6- The bottom case should be cast alum, they don't pay them dirty at my yard. .55 lb.
    #7- Most I find are s.s.but some have a metal (magnetic) plate glued to the top of the cover.

    Droz, your faster on the keyboard,,, lol
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  5. #4
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    I hit all most of the tops with my angle grinder to be certain if it is SS or Al. If you are unaware Al puts out no spark and SS a small spark compared to the spark steel puts out. If it has a SS section glued on I peel it off and toss in the SS bucket. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  7. #5
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    The alum. tops bend real easy where the s.s. does not.

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  9. #6
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    You should be able to get dirty Aluminum price on those motors, as there is not much Copper in them.

    If you work it out, the math is in your favor if you just take the board off and sell them whole.

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  11. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    #1- Those are the motors, but I think their alum on the outside. Could sell for motors at .25-.28 or sell for alum at .55
    #2- Those are neodymium magnets, I think they sell on Ebay.
    #3- I think they have gold plated connectors where they plug in, I'm saving mine till I get a bucket full.
    #4- Fine copper wire.
    #5- ?? not sure what those are unless they are the spacers. If your asking about spacers, some are alum. the top one is usually s.s.
    #6- The bottom case should be cast alum, they don't pay them dirty at my yard. .55 lb.
    #7- Most I find are s.s.but some have a metal (magnetic) plate glued to the top of the cover.

    Droz, your faster on the keyboard,,, lol
    I would hope so i work in IT so i better be fast on the keyboard

  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by drozenski View Post
    I would hope so i work in IT so i better be fast on the keyboard
    Where I have to use the two finger dance,,,lol

  13. #9
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    I have several hundred hard drives. I take off the logic board, and I have taken apart some of the casings (love the magnets), but it is a tedious job. If I don't take apart the drive for the innards, the drive is being destroyed by punching 2 holes through the casing. So I don't have a problem keeping it whole and worrying about data theft or access. Should I drop them off whole at the local scrap yard? What is an average of what they pay per pound whole vs separating the alum, ss, and components?

  14. #10
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    If I had several hundred hard drives I would not brake then down, I would drive the to Orlando and sell then whole to Arcoa at 1.30 per lbs. I don't know how many you have but you said several hundred, 200 would come to about 390 dollars.

  15. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    If I had several hundred hard drives I would not brake then down, I would drive the to Orlando and sell then whole to Arcoa at 1.30 per lbs. I don't know how many you have but you said several hundred, 200 would come to about 390 dallors.
    Well, sitting at my house I have 2 large plastic bins with at least 120 hard drives in each (probably more) which is where I got the 25 pounds of logic boards I just sold to boardsort. At the office, I have another 300-400 which I have to pull the boards off first. And at another office that gets most of the other hard drives for destruction, I have them saving me all the drives. Last time I was up there when I grabbed the 2 bins of drives, they had about another 250+ waiting to be destroyed by punching 2 holes through the drive and the platters to shatter them!

  16. #12
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    ARCOA also has good board prices, check out their thread in buyers sellers section, email them for a current price list, message me with your email and i'll forward their current one if you want it now

  17. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    ARCOA also has good board prices, check out their thread in buyers sellers section, email them for a current price list, message me with your email and i'll forward their current one if you want it now
    I just posted their link in his other thread. It has his newest prices in it.

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