Originally Posted by
50 CRTs at $210 or $4.20 per CRT.
Let’s do some fuzzy math (you might want to double check me for accurancy) if all you did was take the CRT apart, cut the wires off and left everything else, including the copper transformers, Al, etc, on the circuit board, stripped the degaussing cable, took of the yoke and bashed it with a hammer (about 5-10mins worth of work per CRT).
#1 Bare Bright...32 lbs @ 3.15 (meaning you left the transformers and other copper on the circuit board leading you to loose some copper weight)
#2 Tubing/Bus Bar...12 lbs @ 2.65 (I assume this is just the copper from the yoke)
Wire...20 lbs @ 1.00
The rest is circuit board weight approximately 210 lbs @ .10
= $173.60
I think there is a lot to learn about applying the 80/20 rule to scrap. Meaning 80% of your returns will come from only 20% of the work.
I'm not sure it's a good idea to count on getting BB from the degausing cables. In my eyes it just doesn't meet the accepted description. It's great some of us get that rate on it, but I think it's more of a fluke than the rule. I'm also wondering about the original poster's 20 lbs of wire, seems low to me for 50 crts.
I just reread the original post. He says crt's, but no other info. For some reason I had monitors in mind, but his material could have been anything from old 10" tv's to 24" computer monitors. Lots of variations possible here. I know I get way better recovery from big old computer monitors than I do from a tv.