most hard drive manufacturers have free disk tools available for download from their website. These tools work from floppy or cd drives in DOS. You need if possible a test computer set up on a workbench, or it is possible to use your computer(forget i said that). Just hook the hdd up on your test bench pc and boot to the floppy/cd dos app. It's fairly easy to find your way in to test one, if you get lost just restart and try again. If it's a western digital, use wd tools disk, if maxtor, seagate, etc, use theirs. You can also hook two (ide type) at once and check them both (this comes in handy if you have an off brand but don't have their tools to use, say one's a wd, and one's a fujitsu, but you have no fujitsu tools, the wd will usually test it for you, as long as you're booting with a wd also installed along with the fujitsu) If it won't test in that case, write 0s to the drive, if that completes without errors, it's passed the test