A good salesman would give the customer the option of paying for the OEM license or the free Ubuntu.
The basic windows operating system, comes bare bones with trial apps that expire, Ubuntu comes with the same apps without obligation. Right out of the box you could run your business from it, perform dunning letters, mailing list, spread sheets and power point finally use gnucash to keep your books in order.
To accomplish the same thing using windows it's going to cost you thousands of dollars, any one can load up a computer and say here its got the latest windows on it but it wont do much for you - it will go out to the Internet, the bowser sucks and your probably going to download Thunderbird as your email client, now if your willing to give me your credit card we can really open this thing up with some useful applications. But we can install Ubuntu and do all these things at no cost to you.
Some of you must have a friend or neighbor that has a Mac with OSX and they rant on about how they like it better than Win X, truth be known OSX is a derivative of Debian as is Ubuntu..
When a vulnerability is known in widows os it take months of not years to put out a patch, some never get fixed, ever wonder why. The big wigs in Redmond are more concerned about shareholders than customers.
When a vulnerability is know in any Linux flavor it fixed within days, this is one reason why there are so few viruses and Trojans. Why bother when you know it will be found and fixed before the dirty deed is carried out, meanwhile millions of Windows based PC's are hijacked daily.
Linux code is freely available, having it this way assures that the majority of applications run smoothly and those that do not are open to bug fixes by members of the open source community that have programming skills.
Third party applications IE shareware designed to run in MS are at best buggy causing computer crashes, why because the folks who put out shareware can not afford to pay for the use of Microsoft run time files so the programmer has to to emulate the run time files which causes the blue screens of death we all are so familiar with.
There are also some things about Linux that I'm not pleased with, or better said the hardware manufactures are at fault, I'll use the dial up modem as an example.
A hardware modem performs functions on-board, and yes these were larger cards not those puny PCI modem cards - software modems which rely on resources from the cpu, ram and operating system all of which drag the system down to a crawl.
Ahh but the hardware manufactures love soft modems it cuts down on the chips used to manufacture a modem and Microsoft comes in a winner by supporting this garbage.
It may come as a surprise to some that Microsoft who once called Linux a cancer is now one of the largest contributors to the Linux OS - don't believe me just Google it and read it for yourself why.
I'm not here to bash Microsoft, Bill Gates was at the right place at the right time when he borrowed that $50,000.00 from his parents to purchase DOS from IBM. His powers are in marketing and he is brilliant, and the show is almost over.