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An effective use of time!

| General Electronics Recycling
  1. #1
    thortek started this thread.
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    An effective use of time!

    So in 3.5 hours we made 3 stops largest to smallest!

    Stop 1) A local school! They ended up having 105 PC's and 2 broken laptops, and only 7 CRT's ! at least 20 of those were Dell Servers with 10# power supplies and Dual processor Motherbaords. Not a lot of ram or CPU $$ but the boards alone are with $10-12 each, and the powersupplies at that weight ate $4-5!!! And man are those cases heavy!

    Stop 2) this is my second stop at this factory that moved. They cleaned out their server room after the AS400 was moved. I got a 250# Printer (Dot Matrix Baby!) and a 500# (YES 500 POUND) UPS/APC unit. It plugs into 220 and has 110 and 220 outlets. Thinking about keeping it as an emergency "Generator" for the house! Lots of other Misc stuff like 5 boxes of Harddrives and a few PC's.

    Stop 3) was the county board of education. A small pick up a few pc's and crt's..but she's the one that suggested that the School call us, so I'll stop thre any time she asks!

    All total we ended up with 115 pcs and a ton of other fun stuff! Now it's time to break it all down!
    “Most people miss opportunity because it wears overalls and looks like work .” ― Thomas A. Edison

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    pictures please
    YOSF (You Only Scrap Forever)
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  5. #4
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    I am amazed how some of you guys can get pick ups directly from government agencies. Here in NC it seems everything goes through a authorized auction. Very nice haul and good use of time and fuel, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  7. #5
    thortek started this thread.
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    I'll swing by the shop ant take pictures, but it's basically computers in! It seems that in our area the Schools have a hard time integrating the money from the auctions back into the budget. And the Tech coordinators are so understaffed, they really don't have time to mes with GovDeals or the like. Apparently they used to PAY to have someone haul this stuff away. Now that I'm available to haul it for free, and I bring my own labor, its like "What else will you take"

    I had an extra set of hands yesterday. A buddy of my dad's was curious about how all of this works. his wife works for a company that is "Paying to haul computers to the dump"...and has a basement full of old gear they were going to leave when they moved.....So he's working some angles to see waht he can make happen.

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  9. #6
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Sounds like CS is losing a lot of biz between your pickups and my recent score of over 200 computers.....LOL
    Looks like Cash for Computer is the benificiary

  10. #7
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Nice haul Thor, sounds like your going to be bussy for the next few days. Post some pics. of all the good stuff you get out of all those computers.

  11. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    Sounds like CS is losing a lot of biz between your pickups and my recent score of over 200 computers.....LOL
    Looks like Cash for Computer is the benificiary
    What, your not gonna send him another load???
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  12. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    What, your not gonna send him another load???
    I think I may be one of the lucky one's who actually got a check for their last shipment....I cashed it and pray that it was a good check(if not I'm sure charges will be filed)....After great initial service Wastenot Recycling was a complete letdown and now I have sent my last shipment to and keeping the faith in the forum.

  13. #10
    thortek started this thread.
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    Had Craig (Or any of the guys at WN) called me and explained they were struggling, I could have waited for my check. I would have actually "Bought in" or invested in them because I think they had a good thing going. Unfortunately, instead I got excuses and lies about what was going on.

    I can't afford to myself in a position to be lied to again. It was the customer service that brought me back. Once that went away I'm done.

    Because my old man helps me break down, and we're using his building, I made him a 50/50 partner. With that in mind I can't put his $$ at risk selling to someone who doesn't take the time to call me back, and I have to threaten to involve my attorney in order to finally get paid.

    Mario (Ewasted) has called me, we've spoken on the forum a few times. I'm going to give his company a shot and see how it goes. Trying to keep the money "In the family" so to speak.

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  15. #11
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    Mario (Ewasted) has called me, we've spoken on the forum a few times. I'm going to give his company a shot and see how it goes. Trying to keep the money "In the family" so to speak.
    I just got back from a "roadtrip" to Ewasted's facility with a small load. He took time from his personal stuff at home to come down to the warehouse on a Saturday afternoon to write up my stuff and cut me a check. Well worth the trip.

  16. #12
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    hello i am new to all this..i live in maine and the only place i can find around here is a place in sharon mass. i dont have to break down all the pieces..i just send in the whole board..should i be scared of this kind of business practice? sounds like u all have a local spot to drop off..and where i am from we have a huge school system and they just called for us to come pick up..over 200 scrap computers they been sitting on and still counting..and i am a virgin at this...started out as a bored sunday afternoon

  17. #13
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbee View Post
    hello i am new to all this..i live in maine and the only place i can find around here is a place in sharon mass. i dont have to break down all the pieces..i just send in the whole board..should i be scared of this kind of business practice? sounds like u all have a local spot to drop off..and where i am from we have a huge school system and they just called for us to come pick up..over 200 scrap computers they been sitting on and still counting..and i am a virgin at this...started out as a bored sunday afternoon
    Here's the closest buyer to you (I think) from our forum. You need to compare our buyers prices to your yard before you take them anything, like I told another new fella, don't make a $100.00 or a $1000. mistake. Everybody wants to buy computer boards for 10 cents a lb.

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  19. #14
    fivegallonbucket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbee View Post
    hello i am new to all this..i live in maine and the only place i can find around here is a place in sharon mass. i dont have to break down all the pieces..i just send in the whole board..should i be scared of this kind of business practice? sounds like u all have a local spot to drop off..and where i am from we have a huge school system and they just called for us to come pick up..over 200 scrap computers they been sitting on and still counting..and i am a virgin at this...started out as a bored sunday afternoon
    The company in Sharon has been mentioned before but there appear to have been serious problems with them
    This thread and others like it may have some useful information.

  20. #15
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    Missouri is the same way. I found a huge trash ditch with 6 hay bailers and hundreds of household appliances. Behind the city waste water treatment. Still on Corpe of Engineers land. Conservation found out after I got permission from city and told me I must bid on it.
    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    I am amazed how some of you guys can get pick ups directly from government agencies. Here in NC it seems everything goes through a authorized auction. Very nice haul and good use of time and fuel, Mike.

  21. #16
    CLR Solutions's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbee View Post
    hello i am new to all this..i live in maine and the only place i can find around here is a place in sharon mass. i dont have to break down all the pieces..i just send in the whole board..should i be scared of this kind of business practice? sounds like u all have a local spot to drop off..and where i am from we have a huge school system and they just called for us to come pick up..over 200 scrap computers they been sitting on and still counting..and i am a virgin at this...started out as a bored sunday afternoon
    Let us know if there is anything we can help you with. We have several customers up in your state.
    CLR Solutions is Your Partner in Secure Data Management and IT Asset Disposition

  22. #17
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbee View Post
    hello i am new to all this..i live in maine and the only place i can find around here is a place in sharon mass. i dont have to break down all the pieces..i just send in the whole board..should i be scared of this kind of business practice? sounds like u all have a local spot to drop off..and where i am from we have a huge school system and they just called for us to come pick up..over 200 scrap computers they been sitting on and still counting..and i am a virgin at this...started out as a bored sunday afternoon
    You might read thru this if your a total new-bee;

  23. #18
    thortek started this thread.
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    I promised pictures.....Sorry we're 1/2 way through, but this should give you a decent idea....

    The Old Man emptied the gaylords and stacked up pc's by his workspace. Those IBM's Suck, Everything is SCREWED in...GRRRRR

    The other side of the stackThose big Dell servers have (Had) 2.5# dual socket Motherboards and 10# Power supplies!

    These are the nicest Motherboards I've come across! I'm pretty sure we ended up with 20 or so...

    Here's my Gaylord of LOW GRADE! Bah!! The Old Man has been stripping copper and aluminum from these as he has time....Note he hasn't had time!

  24. #19
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    ^Wow a ton of work never looked so nice?

  25. #20
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    thortek, Are any of those by any chance a "small form factor HP? I'm needing a power supply for one. I have a spare (my tester) that needs a new (used) P.S.

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