Every type of production process (or in our case DEstruction process) has byproducts--some are profitable (e.g., shielded wire) and some are costly (e.g., disposal of plastic waste).
I'd like to see a discussion about the potential of some of the byproduct produced when scrapping electornics to see how this community thinks they could be leveraged for profit.
For example, e-scrapping results in a surplus of computer screws and other steel fasteners. What can be done with these other than thowing them in shred? Can they be sold in bulk on
eBay? What makes the most economic sense when it comes to leveraging all of these byproduct fasteners?
Another example is rare earth magnets--either from speakers or from hard drives or elsewhere. I know the hard drive magnets are sold on eBay, but what about the speaker magnets? Who might want these magnets? Is it worth trying to sell them, or, again, should they just go in shred.
I'm sure there are several other byproduct examples that could be discussed in this thread. I'm just mentioning the two that come readily to mind.
Your thoughts?