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  1. #1
    martyweil is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Unsealing A Sealed Auction - 32 Servers & Server Blades

    I might be a useful and interesting excercise to know what is a reasonable bid to make when one encounters a sealed-bid auction for computer waste such as this real-life example that I pulled from an auction site.

    I don't actually plan to bid on this auction; I'm only provided this example as a means for everyone to say what they would bid on this lot if they had the chance. It's a way for us, the escrappers, to gain insight into what the lowest/highest bids might be on a sealed auction such as the one for this list of equipment.

    To simplify the game, we are going to assume that everything here is damaged beyond repair--nothing to resell for more than scrap value on CL or eBay.

    So, what would be your bid on this lot if you plan to break it down for scrap?

    13 Dell Poweredge 2800

    5 Dell PowerEdge 750

    2 Dell PowerEdge 1850 (2X Intel Xeon 2.8, Floppy drive, 16GB RAM, One device comes with hard drive)

    2 Dell 2650 Rack Mount

    Barracuda Spam Firewall 300

    SonicWALL Pro 3060

    Dell PowerEdge 860

    Dell PowerEdge SC 1435

    Dell PowerEdge SC 420

    Dell PowerVault 124T

    Dell PowerVault 725N

    Hewlett-Packard (HP) Proliant ML330

    Only the Poweredge 2800's come with power cords

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  3. #2
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    Dune and I just did some servers if they got the ram sticks in them and are only missing power cord and hard drives which there is a few of those you said I imagine you could make pretty good money at $7 each.

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  5. #3
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I would go up to around 400 if not a little more.....Lots of goodies in those servers

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  7. #4
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Did the auctio site give the whiegt? If it did I would bid .25per lb and maybe .30. Chances are I would lose but I wouldn't pay more than .30 lbs. I sell by the lbs. and I buy by the lbs. thats just me.

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  9. #5
    martyweil is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    These replies are very insightful. If you won it at .25 or .30 per pound, you could hardly loose money since the shred price will cover about half, if not more, of your investment. Surely, there's another .10 to .15 in scrape value beyond the shred.

    My sense is that the winning sealed bid will come in significantly higher than any number thus far tossed out. Of course, we'll never know. That's the crazy thing about sealed bid auctions. And why I don't like them.

  10. #6
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    I don't have much experience with Dell servers, but I did buy 13 Sun V240 and V440 servers for $150, and did really well with them.

    The Sun servers had 2.5-3 lb motherboards in each, 0.5-1.5 lbs RAM in each, a few lbs of CPU boards in the V440's @ $4.50/lb, 10 lbs of power supplies in each @ 0.30/lb, plus sold all the CPU's on ebay for $200, plus aluminum, steel, and some copper. I made at least $450 on this lot.

    I love to scrap servers, usually much better than PC's. Many of them have very nice copper heat sinks too, up to 2 lbs.

    I pay $5 - 25 each for scrap servers, depending on what model and what is inside.
    Last edited by aurum; 05-25-2012 at 12:28 AM.

  11. #7
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    Did the auctio site give the whiegt? If it did I would bid .25per lb and maybe .30. Chances are I would lose but I wouldn't pay more than .30 lbs. I sell by the lbs. and I buy by the lbs. thats just me.
    At those prices if the server weighs 150 -200 lbs then you could be paying up to 60 bucks for just one.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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