Plasma screens have a silver coating in them. this can be refined with a cyanide leach process and should technically have a market value. That image looks exactly like the ones i was referring to. They are found on all sorts of low grade boards from consumer electronics. In fact, i remember reading an article about experimental but effective developments in extracting silver from plasma screens. not LCDs though, as far as i know.
I have seen gold plated contacts on the runner boards from LCDs, however. Those long flimsy strips the are along the edges of larger LCD monitors and tvs. Different from the picture you provided. The one you linked is comparable to this one, i believe
and i usually just leave them on my boards.
in the case of a board like this one:
i cant see it getting a better price than the board itself when removed. but i am often wrong, and will have to check this post later to see who's got more info