if you think all motherboards are the same, and that the buyers are screwing you on the grading/price, you should simply send your boards into your favorite processor.
then you can come back and claim that the processor screwed you on the recovery values.
or, for those who are unable to meet the minimums weight requirements, you could simply tear a few mother boards down. and compare the percentage of pin plating between the boards. on the newer boards you will notice that the memory slots and pci slots are no longer full coverage. those pins will only be plated at the contact point. for those who have excellent color vision, you will note that the plating on those pins is not as dark. this is from a thinner plating, flash plating, which results in a difference in the depth of the reflection. that results in less pm per sq inch of board.
there are some very competitive buyers in this business. they are far too competitive to start price fixing at this point. and if they were going to fix prices, they would start with higher grade components than motherboards.
you can expect to see a multi grading system for cards in the future. there is a rather noticeable difference between recovered rates of half height modems, ( especially the newer asian produced,) and the old graphic cards. we are not seeing as many of the newer low grade cards in comparison to the percentage of low grade motherboards.
easy is correct, which is a miracle in its self, a buyers pricing system is based on the recovered value of the material and their own margins. when the value drops, the buyers either reduce their price or their profits. that is a rather simple and easy decision.
i will let you guys go back to beating this dead horse.
have a great memorial week end.
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