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  1. #21
    ilovejunk's Avatar
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    i personally would keep the contact info you have and call them back again in about 2-3 weeks, and ask them if they still have the lot if they do let them know your offer still stands (as long as they have not gutted them in the meantime).
    i have picked up a few big lots like your talking about by doing that, because as you just experienced they somehow have learned just enough to be ignorant, but if they are like a lot of companies i have worked with one or two or maybe a dozen will get recycled/resold by them and the rest will continue to sit there and when they get in the companies way hopefully you will have kept in touch and they will remember you and you can still get a deal settled out

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  3. #22
    Geiser093's Avatar
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    IMO the way I would handle a contract like this would be as follows.

    First I would offer to process the first batch. I would pick a number like a lot size of 20. I would process on the fly and and tell them I would be back to them within 24-48 hours with their payment. If they like my numbers I would take the rest under a similar deal. If they wany me to purchase the entire lot after an inspection I would make an offer that would ensure profit no matter what I find inside.

    In my business ventures I am first focused on being a solution provider. It is not a new deck someone buys but the enjoyment of an outside entertaining area. The most important tool you possess is the good work you hae done for others. Use your references to secure jobs and create greater opportunities.

  4. #23
    BRASSCATCHER started this thread.
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    Good advice Geiser, thank you.
    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


  5. #24
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    Whenever people try to get info about where I recycle and how much I get paid for it, I have a strategy to go about it. I tell them "it depends on many factors, it depends where the market is at, who is paying the most, and how much quantity I have." I tell them "it is all about quantity and bulk". All this stuff is true but, it seems to make people feel that they dont have the capacity ( a big truck, contacts, knowledge, etc) to recycle it on their own. Most people dont really bother to ask past that but, if they insist on knowing how much I get paid I might throw out a low range price that I could get at a ripoff location. For example " Pete's recycling place pays $00.20/lb for high grade aluminum". Pete does pay .20/lb but, I never go there and I usually get .50/lb. for high grade aluminum. So you are telling the truth but, you are giving them the low end pricing.

    Many people that are trying to get rid of stuff lately know that what they have is worth something but, they have no idea how much. They get a lot of attention from phone calls, etc about the items that they are trying to get rid so, they try to make some money off of it, without knowing the proper value.

    I am learning every day how important it is to know what the value of things are. This should be step 1 for beginners (I still consider myself a beginner). You have to know your prices! For example, I screwed up the other day when I sold some gold at a coin shop. I had found a 14k gold bracelet (7.3 grams) in a treadmill and then later sold it at a coin store for $155 (7.3 grams @ about $21/gram). I felt like I got a good deal I talked them up from $100 to $155 but, later that week I found a place that would of bought it for $32/gram so, about $234 for the bracelet. So, I could of got $80 more for the bracelet if I would of known my prices for gold jewelry. I know my gold coin prices but, this is the first time that I have dealt with gold jewelry. I guess this is a lesson for me to be more patient and always ask at least 3-4 buyers or until I know what the fair price is.

  6. #25
    street_sweeper's Avatar
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    would I mind letting him know how to go about it?

    At this point you become the consultant and mention things like certificates of data destruction, asset recovery and compliance with any applicable recycling laws. It's the information age and they are looking for information. You won't find many Consultants in Information Technology charging less then $100 hour. You could put together an IT asset disposal policy for them and $2000 is low balling it. My 2cents

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  8. #26
    BRASSCATCHER started this thread.
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    The offer I made was more as a f u to him knowing I wasn't getting the deal a short fuse sometimes...but I wish I had the knowledge to be a consultant for ewaste. You may have a nice niche there if you are up on your stuff street sweeper.

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