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  1. #21
    fulltimejunker started this thread.
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    I live out in the country, you guys think my best bet will be ride around and ask people to haul their junk for free? I'm going to pick up 3-4 aluminum radiators tomorrow evening that a guy is giving me. I understand making a offer on vehicles based on weight, but if it's just all junk metal, how do you make a offer? Sorry for playing 21 questions guys!!! Just really excited to get started, love the idea of being my own boss and possibly making better $ than a 9-5 job!!!

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  3. #22
    divapickers's Avatar
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    I don't think it's better money as you're limited to doing cars, depending on setup though.
    However, as far as scrapping cars, you pretty have it down. I grab the alternators and the starters when cutting the cat, and resell them on kijiji. Might grab the harness but usually leave it.
    I prefer to stay away from the car scene but do own a car dolly if the right deal comes along.

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  5. #23
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    I think it's more money in cars for sure but getting them can be a little tricky sometimes. I only use craigslist and my website for advertising, even though I live about 35 miles outside of Raleigh. It takes a lot of advertising and I do mean a lot but it really pays off trust me, some days you will get so many phone calls that you won't be able to get to them all and you will wish you had help and some days you will wonder why the phone is not ringing, but that's just how it is in the scrap business. My set up is a 2500 HD 2003 Sierra with a full metal deck trailer with an 8000 pound winch. Oh and I forgot to mention I only work about three days a week usually Monday through Wednesday because I have a full-time job hauling mail on an 18 wheeler Thursday through Saturday but even when I'm working I'm still advertising because that's how much it's needed.
    Last edited by Ptscrapper; 06-04-2012 at 04:41 AM.
    “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.”

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  7. #24
    c4f5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fulltimejunker View Post
    Is the better money in cars you think? Also from what I've picked up on so far..cut out CAT, radiator, and battery? You seem to know what's going on..when you buy a car to scrap, you just find out what it weights and make a offer based on what the yard will give you? I'm a noob, so any advice is greatly appreciated!!!
    The better money will be wherever your talent and equipment can take you. I have been playing with dead cars for most of my 38 years, and have aquired equiment accordingly over time. Most of the cars I intake, sit here for several months to be parted out, at least to some degree, before I even consider scrapping them. I usually have around 100 here on site. In addition to the obvious...cats, rads & batts, there are many other rebuildable cores to be pulled for the core buyer. I base my price on what the yard is currently paying per ton. Considering how long a car sits here, that can be a win or a loss, but the real money in scrapping cars is not in the weight of the body. That's where the quick buck is, but not the bigger buck.

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  9. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by fulltimejunker View Post
    I'm trying to get my own full time scrapping business up and running. I would like to hear from you guys who do it full time, but on a small scale just to get some ideas of what is possible and what you guys are accomplishing. I'm talking like one pickup truck and a trailer type deal, no big operations please!!

    Full time. One 3/4 ton diesel truck and a flatbed utility trailer. I have a shop on my property so I have a place to stockpile inventory, break stuff down, grade and weigh. I still keep my hands in my old business, but it's pretty much dead. I pass out cards and talk the business up around town, and so far the results for local stuff has not been too bad. Getting ready to go pick up a load of AL siding from a house remodel this morning. I will fool with anything metal. Appliances, grills, auto parts, engines, transmissions as well as non-ferrous materials as well.

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  11. #26
    JunkLady's Avatar
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    How many of you are full time?

    *c4f5 "quick buck vs big buck" what's best way to maximize for big buck with cars?
    "If it makes dollars, then it makes sense!"

  12. #27
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    i have already told you lol

  13. #28
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    full time? weekends 730-5 (i am currently in high school) during break, me and my workers work 6 days a week 730-5 but must be here at 7 then as soon as it is summer i will be working on a farm for free lending a hand in fixing tractors (i am a diesel mechanic) and the farm will be giving me scrap metal, soon a 1950's gleaner combine
    Last edited by valleyscrapping; 02-25-2014 at 06:02 PM.

  14. #29
    JunkLady's Avatar
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    How many of you are full time?

    Ok focker. I mustve missed ur insight. But i reread, thread n guessing u mean parting things out is best. Ive only recently begun to dabble n that. Still at the stage where i need to scrap out at the end of every month to pay bills lol. But definitely have to get some reliable core buyers on board! Thanks.

  15. #30
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    Full time, still learning, retired, and still trying to decide what to do with my life.

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  17. #31
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    Also do full time
    Collision Center of Temecula provides only state-of-the-art collision repair technology and personal service.

  18. #32
    DevinThaScrapper's Avatar
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    Planning on going full time when I get a truck and turn 16 in 1 year. So far doing the best I can without a liscense and saving for a trailer.

  19. #33
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    Full time, one truck, two trailers, 12 trash cans.

  20. #34
    MattyNoNeck's Avatar
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    I’m thinkin about it. My office cubicle is starting to feel like a prison cell more and more each day. Now that I’ve gotten a taste of being my own boss, being told when I can and can’t take breaks, how loud I can or can’t be, that I can’t have food at my desk, that I can’t check my personal email, that I can’t do this or I have to do that, blah blah blah, it really sucks working for ‘the man.’ It’s much easier to get up at the crack of dawn to go to the yard because I know I HAVE to if I want that money. I really always have been my own best boss and my own worst enemy. I think I’ll have to see how the winter goes and then I’ll decide whether or not I can pull the trigger on going full time scrapping. I think it’d be really great for my soul if I was only working for myself and my family but until I can ensure that there will be a roof over our heads, food on the table and bills being paid, I can’t and won’t do it.
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  21. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by DevinThaScrapper View Post
    Planning on going full time when I get a truck and turn 16 in 1 year. So far doing the best I can without a liscense and saving for a trailer.
    Thats good in this business you need a truck and a good trailer.
    I have done the scrapping thing for 7 years and make a decent living at it and i only mess with cars.There is alot of money to be made out there believe me.

  22. #36
    puckett's Avatar
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    Mattynokneck I'm right there in the same spot. The more time I've taken off from my 6-2 everyday job I realize that I hate it there after 13 years. I'd like to scrap full time but not sure I want to make that step yet.

  23. #37
    lousypirate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by puckett View Post
    Mattynokneck I'm right there in the same spot. The more time I've taken off from my 6-2 everyday job I realize that I hate it there after 13 years. I'd like to scrap full time but not sure I want to make that step yet.
    If you want to do that, prepare for feast or famine depending on the year and time of year. Consistency and scrap do not really mix

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  25. #38
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=lousypirate;210281]If you want to do that, prepare for feast or famine depending on the year and time of year. Consistency and scrap do not really mix[/QUOTE

    Not always true. Winter in Michigan definitely proves challenging at times. I have an indoor facility and primarily deal with escrap. With the exception of the trailers i am rarely digging things out of the snow. If you can acquire some office buildings and similar style contacts you can do quite well.

  26. #39
    MattyNoNeck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lousypirate View Post
    If you want to do that, prepare for feast or famine depending on the year and time of year. Consistency and scrap do not really mix[/QUOTE

    Not always true. Winter in Michigan definitely proves challenging at times. I have an indoor facility and primarily deal with escrap. With the exception of the trailers i am rarely digging things out of the snow. If you can acquire some office buildings and similar style contacts you can do quite well.
    That's exactly what I'm trying to do right now. If I can find a way to get myself through the winter and it goes well, then I might quit the 9-5 in the springtime. I know that spring/summer can and will be good, it's late fall and winter time in upstate NY I'm worried about. It really all depends on how many regular pickups and I can nail down, either in general scrap or eWaste. I need consistency.

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