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Is gold being suppressed to help Obama's relection?

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  1. #1
    jaydee1445 started this thread.
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    Is gold being suppressed to help Obama's relection?

    Putting on my Tinfoil hat it looks like we could be in for another round of manipulation of gold like the 08 correction.

    Quote from Adask's law blog
    If the price of gold is being suppressed in order to help Obama’s election, it might not be the first time. Take a look at the Kitco five-year chart for gold prices. You’ll see that gold peaked at just over $1,000/ounce in March of A.D. 2008, then fell almost 27% to about $740 in November (election month) of that year. Ouch!

    But once the A.D. 2008 election passed by, the price of gold began a steady 160% upswing from November A.D. 2008, until it peaked at $1,900 in September of A.D. 2011.

    Since last September (A.D. 2011)–and in another presidential election cycle– the price of gold has fallen almost 19% (it fell 27% in the A.D. 2008 election cycle).
    I'm thinking of stockpiling my high gold content E-scrap until the end of the year

  2. #2
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    prediction: by the time we get to November, according to the MSM, gold will be $1450 or lower, the worthless FED notes will return to the worlds #1 currency, un employment will be under 8%, home values will sky rocket, the realestate market will zoom upwards, gas prices will be near $3 and, since they have removed fuel,utilitys, food and housing cost from the inflation index there is and will be,of course no inflation never mind that $1.25 small carton of cottage now cost you $2.48 and the economic growth index will be near 4% and climbing. when it comes to Obummer the MSM is on its knees doing what who*es do. just my .02, Oh and by the way it has been this way since the over throw and coup of november 1963. And in my opinion no matter who you elect nothing will change except for the speed at which we are returned to surfdom. now pass me that roll of tinfoil.

    Factoid: even the surfs of the middle and dark ages were allowed to keep 33% of what they produced.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 06-02-2012 at 11:03 AM.

  3. #3
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    Why would anybody want to suppress gold in June? If you wanted the masses to vote for you, you would make gas and food prices drop 2 weeks before the election and have the newspapers print a million good paying job ads. The common person could give a rats ass about the price of gold.

  4. #4
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I am an average person and I care about the price of gold......LOL

  5. #5
    jaydee1445 started this thread.
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    Did you follow the Hyperlink?

    On the outside chance you really want to know why you should care about gold is in many way's the price of all commodities are tied to gold 's price, partly through gold's relationship to the value of the dollar. The current administration needs allusions like cheap gas to appease all the sheepeole on their summer road trips. Several months of perceived prosperity is needed to brainwash the masses into thinking bama has turned the economy around. Two weeks before would be too little too late.
    Last edited by jaydee1445; 06-02-2012 at 06:54 PM.

  6. #6
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    It is a well known fact that the undecided voters (quite a few actually) make up their mind the week of the elections if not the days before. Whoever gets the last sound bite in that sounds good gets the vote.

    Outside of some jewelry few people have much gold, and it amounts to very little of their net worth, so the price of it doesn't realy mean much to them. If you have gold or sell escrap where the price of gold affects you directly you are in the minority of people.

  7. #7
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    Lol this is a funny thread.

    I read the hyperlink. It seems to be analysis of the repercussions of the rising dollar/falling gold.

    There is however few things pointing to the cause of that. Simply put there's more things going on than just the 'powers that be' manipulating currency. There's the debt crisis in the Euro Zone. Trouble in the middle east. Reports of the Chinese economy slowing down. I've read that since the Olympics in China, they've slowed their acquisition of ferrous scrap. You've also got the oil out of ND increasing the global supply of crude.

    The simple fact is the world isn't based off gold, I view it more as that Steel and Oil run the world. Because without them there effectively wouldn't be a modern world.

    Besides all that, there's the simple fact that Obama wasn't the incumbent in 08. So any ties drawn are lower order correlations.

    The problem with average people is that people rarely admit they are average.

  8. #8
    jaydee1445 started this thread.
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    The reason I started this post is should I stockpile gold bearing Escrap until this correction is over? To me it's money in the bank.

    The problem with average people is that people rarely admit they are average.

    The problem with average people is 49% of them are below average.

    The simple fact is the world isn't based off gold
    I would say most monetary systems are based off gold or something portable and valuable IE: beads/gems.

    There's the debt crisis in the Euro Zone. Trouble in the middle east.
    IMHO Both of those factors should cause more wealth transfer into the security of gold driving up the price not down.

    The whole point of that blog is no one can point to the cause of this correction so it has to be manipulation.
    I wrote a long discussion on how gold has the same purchasing power today as 100yrs ago, it is the dollar that is becoming worthless but deleted it because it would be falling on deaf ears. I'm now glad to see some have a broader world view other than MSNBC.

    I guess the mods didn't like the facepalm looks like a vacation is in my future.
    Last edited by jaydee1445; 06-03-2012 at 06:09 PM.

  9. #9
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    The biggest problem i saw in that blog is a problem of statistics. It seems to me that a 5 year projection is a far too small of a data set. Plus there seems to be an insufficient listing of variables.

  10. #10
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    The one thing you got wrong is the dollar is not tied to gold. the dollar is nothing but a Federal Reserve Note. Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard back in the 70's.

  11. #11
    jaydee1445 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyscraper View Post
    The one thing you got wrong is the dollar is not tied to gold. the dollar is nothing but a Federal Reserve Note. Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard back in the 70's.
    I never said the dollar is tied to Gold, I said relationship to gold... strong gold = weak dollar vise versa. We started down the road to removing the dollar from the gold standard with FDR and you are correct Nixon fully removed it from the gold standard. In reality it isn't worth the paper it's printed on.
    he biggest problem i saw in that blog is a problem of statistics. It seems to me that a 5 year projection is a far too small of a data set.
    Valid point 5 years is too small a window. I like to use the charts at kitco Seems to be a trend of summertime corrections.
    I normally have been flipping my Ewaste as fast as I get it but considering the $.25 drop on MoBo I got from my buyer Thursday, I'm setting tight for now.
    Last edited by jaydee1445; 06-03-2012 at 08:01 PM.

  12. #12
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    The Greeks need to default on their loans and are electing the people they think will do it. The pay of 99% of government workers doesn't cover rent in Athens, police have to buy their own bullits and are not allowed to shoot anybody, if you need to go to a doctor they will not look at you without an envelope full of money (most doctors there leave the country for a living wage).

  13. #13
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    One problem with this post about gold having the same purchasing power that it did 100 years ago, is that I don't see many people walking around and buying things with gold. All market systems are really just a complicated system of bartering. We exchange goods and service for currency and it goes the other way around. This especially evident in crisis situations like Katrina. No was walking around with gold bars for water or gas, even if you did most people water, gas, or ice.

  14. #14
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    the value of gold has changed little in 2000 years. it is the inflation of the flat worthless paper that has changed. no paper currency has ever lasted more then 200 years before it was valueless. paper money is valueless with out backing by a tangible, a promise to pay later, ot future labor of a people to pay the stated value of paper currency is not a tangible.

  15. #15
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    Oh and by the way it has been this way since the over throw and coup of november 1963.

    And in my opinion no matter who you elect nothing will change except for the speed at which we are returned to surfdom. <<

    it is interesting to note that many blame the victim of the coup for the effects of the coup. setting the stage for the current division of party and platform that has enveloped this country.

    all we have done since the coup is an occasional change of the name of the crooks we are provided to vote on.

    you are correct. we are quickly becoming a two class country. a handful of wealthy holding reign over a peon population.

    we have only ourselves to blame. we continue to support those who will return us back to peonage.

  16. #16
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    the price of commodities like silver and gold are in the hands of much more powerfull people than the president. that is the banksters

  17. #17
    jaydee1445 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by earlfromclay View Post
    the price of commodities like silver and gold are in the hands of much more powerfull people than the president. that is the banksters
    Exactly my point.

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