I read a book about Andrew Carnegie and every time a recession hit he expanded and retooled. Labor and materials are at there least expensive at this time. My plan is in hopes of a drop in prices I will advertise more agrressively. Now is the time to build relationships, make phone calls, drop off flyers, let people know you are here. As the junkies, idiots, and thiefs find more lucrative exploits we can all turn it up a notch. If you continue to remind people of the service you provide when they need hauling or metals and electronics removed your name will ring in their ears like McDonald's when someone says Big Mac.
Business cards are under $40 per 1000 on
ebay, a web site cost about as much a year as you get for a nicely stuffed bag of alum. cans, invest in your business and it will grow. One good truck load will pay for the cards. I keep mine in my truck and wallet. Anytime I meet someone or they need my number I give them one. On the front is my name, phone, email, and website. On the back is the stuff we take.