Hey guys, I'm new to the forums and I'm pretty new to recycling. I've been scrapping metal for the better part of a year but have just recently gotten into e waste. I get fair and current prices at the metal yards I go to, but I'm concerned that the prices I'm getting at the
Escrap place are just bare minimum of what this stuff is actually worth.
These are the prices I got yesterday at the
electronics recycling facility near me.
Routers ............................ $ 0.07
Keyboards ........................ $ 0.01
Disk Drives ....................... $ 0.10
Hard Drives ....................... $ 0.45
Low Grade Boards ............. $ 0.05
LCD Monitors .................... $ 1.00
Mother Boards .................. $ 2.00
Finger Boards .................... $ 2.50
Gold Memory .................... $ 8.00
Data Plugs ......................... $ 0.15
Power Plugs ...................... $ 0.10
Green Fiber CPU ............... $ 8.00
Ceramic CPU ..................... $ 20.00
Do these prices seem fair? I've been reading through these forums and have noticed that most people are getting far better prices than this, Whether they're shipping the stuff off to another buyer states away or they're taking it in to get weighed at the yard themselves.
I've been working hard at this for awhile now and when I got my check yesterday... i dont know, I just feel like I got burned.
People talk about buying towers for $3-$6 each, I don't think I'd be able to make a profit doing that with these prices.
Any thoughts, advice, comments or criticism would help.