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Scrap Laws in Georgia changing

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  1. #1
    jw2par started this thread.
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    Scrap Laws in Georgia changing

    On July 1 of this year the Scrap laws are changing in my area . I think you would need a scrap permit from the Sheriff’s office to sale Copper, Brass and Aluminum . I called the 3 different yards I go to and they don’t know what I would need just yet . I’m not going to quit , I enjoy this to much , maybe this would cut some of the competition. Anyone from Ga. keeping up with this ?

  2. #2
    Ticonderoga's Avatar
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    Georgia has become the most recent state to pass legislation that attempts to deal with the high left of scrap metal theft with the signing of a bill that tightens restrictions on the scrap metal trade. The law will go into effect July 1, 2012.

    Signed into law by Gov. Nathan Deal April 16, 2012, House Bill 872 changes the way scrap metal recyclers conduct business. In signing the bill, Deal said the goal of the new law was to combat the rising tide of criminal activity by enforcing strict regulations on businesses that purchase ferrous and nonferrous scrap metal. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Jason Shaw.

    The bill addresses transactions involving ferrous and nonferrous metals, with the sale of used beverage cans being the exemption. The bill also does not affect business-to-business transactions, only the retail trade.

    Key points of the law include:
    •Scrap metal recyclers can purchase coil and certain copper wire from certain persons.
    •Scrap metal recyclers can purchase burial objects from certain persons.
    •Certain provisions relating to inspections by law enforcement officers have been changed.
    •Payment is required by check, voucher or wire transfer; cash payments are banned.
    •Scrap dealers are required to register with every city in which they conduct business.
    •Certain provisions relating to the use of a form to transfer title to a motor vehicle to be sold or disposed of as scrap metal or parts have been revised under Code Section 40-3-36 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to cancellation of certificate of title for scrap, dismantled or demolished vehicles, salvage certificate of title, administrative enforcement and removal of license plates
    •Verification that a vehicle is not subject to any secured interest or lien must be provided.

    Chip Koplin, governmental and public affairs manager for Schnitzer’s Southeast Region, says the ban on cash payments is the one issue that is of most concern for scrap metal recyclers in the state. He expresses concern that for a scrap metal recycler that might have several hundred transactions per day the change to a cashless system could create significant challenges.

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  4. #3
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    At first it seems like this might hinder you or take money out of your wallet. But (and I do admit I'm unexperienced in scrapping) it seems like it might actually help above board scrappers who do things legit and can get all of the legal stuff that they want.

  5. #4
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    aint going to change a thing except in 2 areas. those with active warents, and the cost of doing business. it is all about the Bengimans. They are going to pick and choose who can stay in business and who cant. absolutly unconstional, but then what else is new.

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    it is all about the Bengimans. They are going to pick and choose who can stay in business and who cant. absolutly unconstional, but then what else is new.
    I have nothing but absolute respect for you veteran scrappers (and anyone older than me, and former or current members of our military), however, would you mind elaborating what you mean by this? At first glance, with a basic understanding, it just seems to me that stealing and poor moraled scrappers are going to be effected by this the most. All of the scrappers that give you/us a bad name will be hindered. For instance, maybe the price of cats will go back up if less and less of them are coming in, because less and less of them are now being stolen because these thieves don't have the appropriate stuff to turn them in.

    With that in mind, (I'm not a huge, tremendous scholar of economics,) as a generality for all metals, if less people are bringing in metal, doesn't that mean the supply is less (assuming the same demand) so that would mean HIGHER prices for your effort? Therefore scrappers would get more money?

    It seems like almost anything in our country or in the world, when it comes to making money, has to have some sort of documented licence or paperwork to identify and recognize the 'business' or method of money gaining. Can you also elaborate on what you meant by this is unconstitutional?

    Again, I have nothing but respect, but I'm just looking for a little clarification so I can better understand. Although I'm in Maine, I want to learn as much about scrapping as I gain my experience, as possible, including other state's laws. (Never know when they make their way up here.)
    Last edited by Koldes; 06-27-2012 at 06:38 PM.

  7. #6
    Bamcis's Avatar
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    Yeah, they enacted a law similar to this one in South Carolina as well due to a rash of metal theft from churches, schools, and other establishments. I'm not very well read on the specifics, but basically, it says anyone selling scrap is required to get one of two types of permits from their local sheriff's department. One permit is for persons who intend to sell scrap two times or less per year, and the other is for persons selling scrap on a regular basis.

    Personally, I don't believe this law will act as much of a deterrent for those who are breaking the law and stealing things. They will always find a way to get around such things.

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  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bamcis View Post
    Yeah, they enacted a law similar to this one in South Carolina as well due to a rash of metal theft from churches, schools, and other establishments. I'm not very well read on the specifics, but basically, it says anyone selling scrap is required to get one of two types of permits from their local sheriff's department. One permit is for persons who intend to sell scrap two times or less per year, and the other is for persons selling scrap on a regular basis.

    Personally, I don't believe this law will act as much of a deterrent for those who are breaking the law and stealing things. They will always find a way to get around such things.
    Ya, but your not going to see too many of them walking into the Sheriff's Dept. to get a permit, their afraid someone might keep them, or maybe recognize them from a warrant,,,
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  10. #8
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    the reasions are too many to cover all but here are a few.

    did gun laws stop robery rape or murder ? take a look at the gun laws in Chicago, new youk, DC, and LA the 4 murder capitals of the world.

    if you read the specifications above. who is to decide who those "certain" persons are ?

    what criteria will decide ?

    outlaws pay no attention to laws, that is why they are called out laws.

    only honest people follow the rules and law so for the most part only honest people will be affected.

    then there is always the rule of unintended conciquences.

    every agency, inforcement agency, or officer or, government has the un ending tendancy to over step, over reach, and bend any law or regulation to their own use,and, to gain power and money.

    The monied and politically connected will get first crack at permits in most cases. so those who start kissing A** now will have a step up.

    any one under 50 has no earthly idea what freedom once was in this country, unless they are a dedicated history buff.

    most think the "war on terror" is one of those "we are the government and we are here to help you" things.

    the terrorst wanted to change America because they hated our freedoms.

    lets see how things are on that score.

    freedom of speach> say the wrong thing and you may get your door kicked in a 4 qm and dissipear never to be seen or heard from again. if you doubt that look up NDAA act artcle 4 and 5 singned into law new years eve 2012 while every one was watching the ball drop and to see what the Kardashians were wearing.

    The right to unincombered travel. ever heard of TSA or viper squads ?

    Possie comotadis. every government agency has its fully equiped militarised swat teams, complete with tanks. and soon to be drones.

    representive republic> really ? when is the last time your representative did any thing in your favor ?

    3 branches of government creating checks and balances to your government. ever heard of " executive orders "

    there is a small sample. I could go on for months, literally. new law and regulation is not the answer it hasent worked in tghe last 50 years why would you expect it to now.

    enforcement and self regulation, and morality is. just my .02

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  12. #9
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    I live in SC too. However, I live within walking distance to the NC state line. Speaking of getting around the new restrictions. I just take all of my scrap to NC and sell it there, where you don't need a permit to do so. I am a law abiding citizen and I didn't sneak around this because of the permit laws, I did it because the closest SC scrap yard to me is 35 minutes away, where as the closest NC scrap yard is less than 5 minutes away. So, if I can get around the permit laws, I am confident that the criminals can figure it out too.

    Happy Scrappin!!!

  13. #10
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theelectronrecycler View Post
    So, if I can get around the permit laws, I am confident that the criminals can figure it out too.

    Happy Scrappin!!!
    Unfortunately in the eyes of the law that will probably make YOU a criminal too.
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  14. #11
    Bamcis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Ya, but your not going to see too many of them walking into the Sheriff's Dept. to get a permit, their afraid someone might keep them, or maybe recognize them from a warrant,,,
    You do have a valid point here. Many would be criminal might think twice before stealing something and scrapping it if it involves visiting their local sheriff first. However, there will still be those who are brazen enough to do such a thing, and some of these individuals may be intelligent and careful enough to accomplish it without getting caught, at least the first few times they do it (considering most criminals who continue to commit their nefarious deeds over a period of time to get caught, eventually).

    I think the actual purpose of these laws is to show the public at large that the police and local governments are at least doing SOMETHING to try and nip this problem in the bud. It is a very real problem that is plaguing communities across the country. Just the other day, my brother told me about a brand new Dollar General store in the North Augusta area that had to delay opening its doors because somebody made off with their AC unit.

  15. #12
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    this is definitely worth it for some copper right?? trying to dismantle the wiring with 2.4 kv running through it, they get smarter and smarter dont they?

  16. #13
    Bamcis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shippsrecycling View Post
    this is definitely worth it for some copper right?? trying to dismantle the wiring with 2.4 kv running through it, they get smarter and smarter dont they?
    Ouch... That reminds me of a rat carcass I found one time in a fuse box when I used to do electrical work.

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