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  1. #21
    msearl3244's Avatar
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    Up until we bought the computer store and I started doing e-waste full time I was hauling heavy equipment up to N. Dakota out of John Deere here in Iowa. There is a LOT of work up there. All kinds of work too. I would think it would be a scrappers dream. I even thought about starting a e-waste scrapping thing up that way. I am just too deep here right now. I just don't have the money to start anything new right now. Next year? Who knows? Getting in on the beginning of a boom such as the type going on there can put a young person in a great position for later. That area is going to grow very fast into a decent sized town. To be one of the first e-waste person there could set you up for a life long business in the scrap industry. Everything there runs by computer and electronics just like everywhere else. The other scrap stuff will be there too.

    We live in America Monj. That provides us equal opportunity, but does not guarantee equal results. How hard are you willing to work? Are you willing to take a bit of a risk? Are you a self starter? All of these things will play into your success.

    You can build your own business out of the ashes. You will make the difference yourself. This is America!

    So pitch your tent,Strike your claim and make your first hard earned dollar!
    There may a million better places to live than Iowa, but none of them are home!

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  3. #22
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    lol ,wildcaters, roughnecks and roustabouts didnt get their names by being wimps. there were more gun and knife fights in the early oil patches then there were in the old west. cowboys were considered light weights in the patch.

    Interisting bit of history, BILL TILFMAN ONE OF THE 4 GUARDSMEN (U.S. MARSHALLS IN THE TERRITORY0 oKLAHOMA WAS CONSIDERED THE LAST GREAT GUN FIGHT 1N THE EARLY 20s he was killed in a gun fight with a roustabout ,I believe in Guthrie Ok, where he was the town Marshall, and he was in his 70s or 80s. the reasion he lost the gun fight is because he refused to modornise and give up his old colt six shooter and went up against a guy with a 1911 45 auto.

  4. #23
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    244: I spent a great part of my life in the oil patch country, there are a couple of things to know.

    !. oil booms are very much like Gold rushes. they come and go over night.

    2. millionairs are created and broken over night.

  5. #24
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    Lol rent is pretty cheap here.But at 9 o clock this morning there was 18 trucks ahead of me at the yard and they had been open for two hours.There are 3 companies with a total of 5 yards here and they are all crammed with trucks in the morning and evening.The competition is rediculous here copper theft is out of control and my wife has had to chase two people off of our property at gunpoint. The fall in metal prices hasent slowed people down a bit probably because scrapping is about the only honest work left.I will add a peice of insight for the noobies.In every industry there is a niche and if you look hard enough you will find it then the competition wont matter this niche will of course vary depending on youre location

  6. #25
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    Greater Boston area hands down. Not a lot of competition in my area maybe 1 2 trucks going around who don't even live near here, tvs are always around, and people always throw away tons of metal.

  7. #26
    JustInTime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnC4X4 View Post
    In Boston, You can combine the 2
    Meaning you should be able to rent a parking spot for around the 600-700 dollar per month range
    Yeah, but you have a good range of scrap yards out in Chelsea to choose from.

  8. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by mascraps View Post
    Greater Boston area hands down. Not a lot of competition in my area maybe 1 2 trucks going around who don't even live near here, tvs are always around, and people always throw away tons of metal.
    If by greater Boston you mean Southern New Hampshire I'm with ya... Otherwise I'd stay far away from residing in Mass. I'm sorry, but the state generally sucks. The roads, taxes, cost of living, sports teams, the nanny statism that restricts pretty much everything... I've spent more than my fair share of time there and it's like a glorified New Jersey without the nice sand and warmish water.

  9. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustInTime View Post
    If by greater Boston you mean Southern New Hampshire I'm with ya... Otherwise I'd stay far away from residing in Mass. I'm sorry, but the state generally sucks. The roads, taxes, cost of living, sports teams, the nanny statism that restricts pretty much everything... I've spent more than my fair share of time there and it's like a glorified New Jersey without the nice sand and warmish water.
    MA SUCKS! too much gooberment activity and intervention. I will move to southern nh as my first stop out of MA. I expect to be in state for work due to connections and the amount of money/people here, but i would like to get away to a more open area. And eventually find work for good people in other states, not the babies who live in mass and need their hands held for life.

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  11. #29
    Monj started this thread.
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    I just wanna quickly thank everyone for their input thank you all im starting to narrow the list down more and more. hoping to move this year.

  12. #30
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    south texas, if you're from around here and you know where them illegal dump sites are at, it's a dream

  13. #31
    JustInTime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by landmine View Post
    MA SUCKS! too much gooberment activity and intervention. I will move to southern nh as my first stop out of MA. I expect to be in state for work due to connections and the amount of money/people here, but i would like to get away to a more open area. And eventually find work for good people in other states, not the babies who live in mass and need their hands held for life.
    I lived in Manchester for a while and my office was out of Salem NH. I was able to make it from my office to downtown Boston, parked and out of my car in under 30 minutes. Of course during rush hour you can tack on a good 20 or so to that but its really not that bad of a drive.

  14. #32
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    I guess I'm living the dream in ND. Make sure you know what your are getting into before you pack you bags and make the move.

    Any town near the oil fields is changing. Rent was reasonable, but now it's out of control. Over $2000 for a 2 bedroom apartment.
    North Dakota Oil Boom Raises Rents, Pushing Seniors Out

    The towns are now dirty and ugly places to live. More and more are moving out of there to Bismarck and Fargo. Murder and rapes are on the rise. Way more men then women. Strippers make like $2000 a night because of all the extra men and extra money they have.

    America's Boomtown: Crime soars in North Dakota oil boomtown - Oct. 26, 2011

    Small cities are being built on the outskirts of towns (man camps). Big companies may hire you and if you are luck you will get a small room in a man camp. If you aren't lucky you are on your own. All RV camp sites are packed and shut down for the winter. Walmart used to offer short term parking to RV campers, but the workers turned the walmart parking lots into campsites and would trash the place. Walmart kicked all RV campers out of it's parking lots. The RV campers moved to the streets... then the city banned campers from city streets. I don't know where they all went now. Farmers are allowed to have a few campers in their yards, so some are renting the spaces out to a couple RVs, but they are getting about $1000 per spot. Locals won't shop at night. Not much to do in these towns but drink.

    My inlaws live in Williston.

    Minot is on the outskirts of the field and is inundated with oil workers. Last year Minot got hit by a flood they had never seen before. It flooded soooo much of the city. So many people were displaced.. in a city where you couldn't already find a room in a motel because of the oil activity. Now they are trying to rebuild. Some people are trying to live in homes that had many feet of water sitting in it for months. Repair and restore and hope it never happens again. My BIL is working on homes in Minot... he lives in a camper...

    Camping isn't so bad.. right? Until winter comes. -20 straight temps and -60 windchill. Trust me. If you haven't felt that before you are in for a shock. Dress warm. I would hate to be on the rigs in that weather. People die trying to keep their campers warm last winter... and it wasn't even that cold outside.

    Regular work is really needed in the oil towns. Clerks, cooks, wait staff, medical, teachers, carpenters, mechanics... all in demand.. but the pay isn't anything like the oil fields so if you work at one of these professions you can't afford the increased rent. My inlaws have their mechanic work done 300 miles away from home just because you can't get an appointment for the few shops in town. They can't find any teachers for the schools because they can't make enough to live there. They can't find enough doctors or nurses for the hospitals because there isn't anywhere to stay. (My BIL ran a skill saw over his hand and cut off is thumb. Had to travel to Bismarck to have it repaired. It was ugly but they couldn't do anything but stop the bleeding in Minot). Walmart doesn't unpack the pallets.. they just put them on the floor and customers pull off the pallets. No-one there to stock the shelves. Hardly any cashiers left so checkout lines are very long. All restaurants are full all the time and service is slow because there are only a few waitresses (they make good tips if they are cute.. so I've heard) and even less cooks. The cities are cracking down on food trucks (eat at your own risk... don't know how many have licenses).


    Traffic shouldn't be bad? Wrong. So many semis and so many drivers that just don't care. You have the fracking water trucks, the oil tankers, the pipe trucks, the equipment trucks... all sharing 2 lane roads. People don't replace their windshields any more because the will just get another chip next week. Some trips take 3X what they used to. Roads are falling apart from all the heavy truck traffic. Accidents are happening all the time with some fatal. Not anywhere enough police and state troopers to keep up with anything... and if they do get tickets, the oil workers just pay it off in cash like it's no big deal at all.

    Scrap in the oil fields? Maybe... but with all the semi's loaded with scrap I think they have it covered. There are so many scrappers here in town and scrap prices are way lower then what you would think... we are land locked with no refineries. All scrap has to go by truck or rail and getting some rail cars is a very tough task for the scrap yards (both of them!) One scrap yard was shut down last year for having to much stuff. They couldn't open again until they moved some of it. At that point the other yard dropped prices to screw over all the sellers... because the could.

    Ewaste? I know there are several of us in Bismarck. I know of several in Fargo... I'm sure they are everywhere else... just gotta look a little bit.

    I have never seen so many homeless in this town. Actually I have never seen any... but now they are everywhere. Really strange to me. Lots of hitchhikers headed to the oil fields.

    I'm gonna stay here and hope they drop some wells on the inlaw's land soon.... I'm tired of working so hard....
    Last edited by wdaddy; 07-27-2012 at 08:26 AM.

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  16. #33
    badkarma506's Avatar
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    interesting aspect on oil fields, so it's BYOC. i'd imagine that if a indivijual was enterprising and found a farmer up there that had room, you could pull fifth wheels found on CL for dirt cheep up there and sell them to the farmer for a profit, as he is going to rent them out and make in two months what he paid for them, and then if he was smart he would send you back with a load of scrap to a yard near the next trailer.

    there are lots of scrappers in western oregon but eastern oregon/washington is sparse for people, and lots of scrap. but you will be driving all day.

  17. #34
    Libertytow's Avatar
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    lake havasu az or Denver co would be my choices but i already turned down jobs in both and housing is cheap

    from what i"ve heard Memphis Tenn needs scrappers
    Liberty Towing & Recycling
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