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AC Unit Advice

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  1. #1
    Bull0525 started this thread.
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    AC Unit Advice

    So for those of you who have dealt with large Ac units, I want to get some info about possible size, and for those of
    You who own or deal with Ac companies or just have advice.

    So where I work, large store do not know exact square footage but we are getting a brand new Ac system. I spoke with my manager about scrapping it, he knows I do this on the side. Since our company owns the system after they unhook it wouldn't we be able to do with it as we please. He has not spoken the company in person yet but I want to know what he can say to help persuade them to let me scrap it. I also have a friend of mine that can recover the freon if need be. The company will have a crane to set up and remove the units. Maybe if I tip the workers they will drop in on my trailer? Idk I have a big enough trailer for sure. Please let me know any advice to take to make sure this works out.

  2. #2
    Craasher's Avatar
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    One of the guys at the church I do a lot of work at has a deal with the local AC company. When they are swapping out those big AC's on the top of the building they call him and he brings his trailer over and the crane drops in on his trailer then picks the other one up. He paid off his bass boat this way. If you can work it out with all the people involved then it is definately worth it.

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  4. #3
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    Usually you have to work with the HVAC company doing the change out. They work the disposal cost into the bid.

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  6. #4
    divapickers's Avatar
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    I agree with freon joe. However, some crane operators charge the Hvac an extra hour to dispose of the
    A/C unit.
    It all depends, I really don't think the manager can give it to you as FreonJoe says, it's worked into the price.

  7. #5
    BarrenRealms007's Avatar
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    I have alway taken the old equipent with me when I take it out.
    We buy electronic scrap, Gold Karat scrap, gold filled, refined gold, silver and many other item's.

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