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reaferming this forum and its intention./use

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  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    reaferming this forum and its intention./use

    every once in a while I believe it is necessary to post a message like this in the forum since apparently many don't bother to read the stickys. and come straight to the forum.

    first let me say I'm not a speller so that is covered from the start. my education is 70 years of life experience.
    this is one of the most informative and professional forums available in the world.

    virtually every thing available in the scrap world is here and in most cases many times over with many different methods and opinions.

    the moderators have done every thing humanly possible to make your education as easy as they can many categories, archives ,discussions etc. but there is an easy way out. just post a question and in most cases that question has been asked and answered many times over..

    below each threads you will see related posts, use them read them. if you want to take the easy way out, find something else to do. like rocket science, or nano tech., or maybe poker for a living.

    this forum is for professionals and those who are willing to put in the sweat, money, blood and time to become professionals.. this is a tough sweat equity business, treat it as such. we are proud of what we do, or, and proud of our partners here. if you are not then may be this isn't the place for you.

    we are honest people here, we are not easy money people, and we are not thieves or flim flammers, and don't cotton to or tolerate those who are.

    this is one of the best technical colleges you will find on this earth. and it is free.

    we some times seem harsh . but it is only tough love to find those serious enough to deserve the free education.

    introduce your self. and spend at least 2 weeks or more studying the archives starting with the stickys. before asking that elemental question, giving this forum that respect is the only payment you will ever have to pay. just my .02
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 08-04-2012 at 02:14 PM.

  2. #2
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    I've only been on this forum for a short time but I have a long history in metal. I'm always amused by the first time users who start off with some version of "how do I make the most money for the least effort", this is not a welfare program. I have without a doubt made more money per hour at times scrapping than I did as a professional diesel mechanic, but I've also scratched and scraped to survive. But bar none, the most valuable thing I have ever done, is to listen. The first step to learning any new field is to study enough to even ask an intelligent question. Skilled people appreciate tacktful questions that show you actually value the sacrifices they have made to get where they are, and you don't just view them as a way to a quick buck. There is an old saying that goes like this "God helps those who help themselves", if God isn't in to the free lunch program don't expect people to be either.
    I would like to take the chance to thank all you guys, and olddude specially for all I have been able to learn by listening in to your conversations here. So thank you, this forum has been a real blessing to me.

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  4. #3
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    Well said olddude. And thanks for all your contributions. I've learned a lot here I'm the last 6 months and it takes a lot of time to read and learn and put that knowledge into practice.
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  5. #4
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    Poker is one of the hardest livings you can choose, olddude. It has a 90% failure rate. Let us not judge... As a scrapper you should know what its like to be judged. Every job/ Career has its difficulties. Whether it be physically or mentally exhausting.

    Scrapping us no different. I've always been a trucker, as my full time job since High school. I've tried many, many things that I've failed at on the side in my spare time. This includes: working office jobs part time, 2 failed companies that I lost money on, real estate investing that I've lost money on, college courses at night couldn't cut the mustard on that either, and yes I played poker grinding it out for 5 years in illegal and legal poker houses/ casino's in the end I ended up no better or no worse than when I started.

    Scrapping by far has been the easiest and most lucrative part time thing I've come across.

  6. #5
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I have only one question.....How do I dismantle a CRT monitor??

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  8. #6
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  10. #7
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    I have only one question.....How do I dismantle a CRT monitor??
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  11. #8
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    The education I received here by reading others posts has allowed me that much more flexibility for making $$$. I'm not a full time scrapper although some weeks it is my main focus because of the way things fall into place. The mentality of many folks today is that if someone has more then they do, they should be able to take a part for themselves without giving anything in return or pay their dues, so to speak. It's a sad state of affairs, I just hope we can rebound before we reach the tipping point of more freeloaders that will vote for this continued behavior rather then those that believe in "an honest day's work for an honest day's pay."
    Last edited by KzScrapper; 08-04-2012 at 04:40 PM.

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  13. #9
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    Russell: you missed the sarcasm. by your post I assume you think I think, rocket acience and nano tech are easy?

    and I played poker at the MGM, Tropicana, and Ceasers professionly for about 3 years before I figgured out I just was'nt that good. good but not that good. any way the message was there take it or leave it. it was just my opinion. any one who thinks scrappin is easy ain't doin it right.

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  15. #10
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    I have the utmost respect for those of you on here that do this for a living. Don't get me wrong I do a lot of work and do not mind sweat and hard work as that is what I expect to do at a job and how I was raised. I want to personsonally thank everyone for their advice, hardwork, and knowledge that has made this forum what it is.


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  17. #11
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    On aug 16th I will have been officially on SMF for 6 months. While I haven't landed the whale or made a nice deal yet I am much wiser and better educated than I was in February in regards to scrapping. I was never one for books growing up, always did just enough to get by in school and flushed a free college education due to too much pool playing in the lounge. Yes I said free since my mom worked at the school and her offspring were able to go for nothing. In the last six months I have read posts on here for at least 2 hrs a night. My wife thinks I am having an online affair i am on so much. This forum has me looking to the future as far as what to do when I "retire" in 4 years or so from my city job. This could not be made possible without the seasoned scrappers selflessly giving there knowledge and ideas to people like me. I am compiling a list of what I learned here in six months and will post it in about a week. That is going to be my contribution to the newer people here. Hopefully it gives someone who was I my shoes a good starting point. Once again a big THANK YOU to those that gave me a starting point in the venture that we call scrapping.
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  18. The Following 7 Users say Thank You for This Post by BRASSCATCHER:

  19. #12
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    Olddude There's not much wrong with your spelling. Can't say the same for some others on the forum. The school of hard Knocks is the best education for anyone. Been scrappin for well over 50 years.

  20. #13
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    I like to see this kind of post every once in a while. Thanks Olddude for saying what so many others were thinking.
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  21. #14
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    My peave is often thread titles, no matter how often it's been said to plz make them relevant to a subject, there are daily posts claiming "what a crazy day!!", which might be about their visit to the scrapyard, why not said "what a crazy day at the scrapyard"? Or even worse is "i found it!!!" only to refer to a piece of crud nobody even going to much give a hoot about, but every time you see that title you wonder, what was that about, and go back just to see it makes no more sense today than it did yesterday.
    Anyway, for what it's worth, there's my peave. But just like my aunt Rosanna RoseAnnaDanna used to say, "that just goes to show ya, it's Always Somethin!"

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  23. #15
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    Ive made more playing poker than I have scrapping..won 20 grand when I was 18.. And multiple tournies after that..sry to gloat..i love poker n scrapping..but there is no guaranteed great pay day with looking to further extemd my close to an associates in scrapology..working on that bachelors for business too..this site has benefitted us all great deal..we should give great thx

  24. #16
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    Boy what a great country we live in. What I love about scrapping is all is it takes is hardworking and persistence to make a hard earned penny. The American dream is alive and well, all it takes is hard work

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  26. #17
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    Plus one on Bear's post above...Search feature has often been criticized, myself included. The appropriate title would make life much easier for the function and provide results folks are looking for. Someone could make their fortune if they devised a App where you type in a quick summery of what your trying to say and it spit out a 3-6 word, search friendly phrase for your heading.

    As for the poker thing...last time out I hit 4 of a kind, 5 times in less then 2 hours. I don't think that will ever happen again as long as I live.
    Last edited by KzScrapper; 08-05-2012 at 08:52 AM.

  27. #18
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    4 of a kind 5 times in 2 hours..would have liked to bankrolled you that

  28. #19
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRASSCATCHER View Post
    4 of a kind 5 times in 2 hours..would have liked to bankrolled you that
    Had the max bet down every time, unfortunately it was video poker and the max was $1.25 on that machine. Covered the wife's loses and bought us dinner that night...we were celebrating 20th anv. and the hotel had already upgraded us to a suite that night, had a great time to say the least.

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  30. #20
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    HAH!....... you said flim flammers.........

    “He misses what is meant by epigram - who thinks it only frivolous flimflam”
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