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Importing e-scrap in US?

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  1. #1
    alpha2000 started this thread.
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    Importing e-scrap in US?

    Hello, everyone,
    and thanks to the owner for running this site.
    Does anyone know what are the rules and legal documents for importing e-scrap scrap in US? Does US government encourage or prohibit importing e-scrap?
    In my country there are no refineries and the nearest one is about 700 miles away...
    And last and may seem strange question - If I enter the border with 100 cpu's in my baggage and no documents for them should I expect problems on border control?
    Thanks for any replies.

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  3. #2
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    Regarding entering the US border with 100 cpu's, contact Questions/Customer Service - before doing anything. I'd also recommend posting an intro on this site before you continue posting.

  4. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    If you can't follow a few simple guidelines for the forum that you skipped right over when registering, what makes you think you will be able to get thru customs?
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  6. #4
    Mick's Avatar
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    Is this some kind of joke?
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  7. #5
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    why would any one want to import any when we have most of it available here to begin with. it is exported because of restrictive regulations here , and the cost of wages here. back in the day I had a Bulgarian refuge work for me for about 3 years, he had some strange (to me) ideas also.
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  8. #6
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    Welcome to the forum. My one and only visit to Bulgaria was in the early 90's and it was a coastal recreational type city. Bulgaria was inside the Iron Curtain and retained many of the communist ways of doing business(early 90's) So I don't find it surprising for this guy's confusion.

    My suggestion is to keep reading the forum and learn all you can. As far as places to sell your ewaste I doubt that the U.S. will be a vialble market due to shipping costs. You never know you might become the ewaste king of Bulgaria. Best of luck, Mike.
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  9. #7
    alpha2000 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    If you can't follow a few simple guidelines for the forum that you skipped right over when registering, what makes you think you will be able to get thru customs?
    Probably the fact that I want to follow the US laws (and thank you for the warm welcome)...
    I know some scrap traders exporting escrap from Europe to US, but they are not keen on giving details how it works. So it is possible and - as it's done regularly - profitable.
    By the way, what do you mean by skipping a few simple guidelines? I read again forum rules and found my 1st post in accordance with them, but maybe there is something I miss?

    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    My suggestion is to keep reading the forum and learn all you can. As far as places to sell your ewaste I doubt that the U.S. will be a vialble market due to shipping costs. You never know you might become the ewaste king of Bulgaria. Best of luck, Mike.
    Thank you, Miked. My goals are much modest so far, but I learned some things I wondered months and years from this forum.
    Last edited by alpha2000; 08-18-2012 at 11:25 AM. Reason: a few words to Miked

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  11. #8
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpha2000 View Post
    Probably the fact that I want to follow the US laws (and thank you for the warm welcome)...
    I know some scrap traders importing escrap from Europe US, but they are not keen on giving details how it works. So it is possible and - as it's done regularly - profitable.
    By the way, what do you mean by skipping a few simple guidelines? I read again forum rules and found my 1st post in accordance with them, but maybe there is something I miss?
    I think they prefer an Introduction in the introduction section of the forum........(Tell a little bout yourself).......No worries just a little background helps others help you

  12. #9
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    i am not for sure on what the regs are for customs at the border but its worth while to get all the docs and pay the taxes if your going to be selling tons at a time here in the u.s. depends on your price i know some who get it as low as 20 cents and pound and ship it here but that is also alot of red tape to go though

  13. #10
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I know some scrap traders exporting escrap from Europe to US, but they are not keen on giving details how it works. So it is possible and - as it's done regularly - profitable.
    I imagine because there is so many hoops to jump thru, or restrictions and paperwork, licenses, permits, might be why they don't want to tell all. It took them awhile and some money to get (make their contacts) there, why give the info away? They don't want you for competition.

    You might check around on the internet for a country closer and less restrictive to you that you might be able to save up and ship them a small container full, might not cost as much in permits, fees. There is other places refining, not just us. If you collect enough at one time then they will (or should) talk to you. It takes time to make contacts.
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  14. #11
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    Welcome to the forum Alpha, and good luck! Is your name a reference to the DEC alpha systems? I once had an alpha 1000

  15. #12
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    Shipping alone in that area can be a hassle. I once had a very tiny monitor that was for some specific medical machine I believe, and a guy in Ukraine was needing it badly. He had already purchased it and wired me the money(paypal wasn't even working that area then). The only place that would even ship it to that area then was the USPS, and on the way to ship it I stopped at Western Union and picked up the money order, but when I got to the PO, they found it fit the measurement restrictions for everywhere in the world excepting there! I wired him his money back (including his transfer fees, but I was out mine and his both), along with my sincerest apologies.
    Another instance in that same area was a particular tape drive, of which I suppose I had the only one left in the world, and the guy was needing it to retrieve records off his old tapes. We had all kinds of problems trying to get that tape drive over there.

    You've certainly got your work cut out for ya, and I wish you well, but I suggest you do your homework, there could be all kinds of unforeseen hurdles you'll encounter (not the least of which will be the language and translation barriers ; ).

  16. #13
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    If you save up a large quanity of e-scrap you might be better off using a brokerage firm to get your e-waste to the USA.. They will get a % And you will have to pay all the taxes and fees. They do all the paper work, cross all the "t" and dot all the "i".

  17. #14
    alpha2000 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    Welcome to the forum Alpha, and good luck! Is your name a reference to the DEC alpha systems? I once had an alpha 1000
    Thanl you!
    Actually, It comes from an old military game - Deltaforce, where the comandoes were named in this way
    I followed the suggestion of miked
    Quote Originally Posted by miked
    Keep reading the forum...
    and found that probably my intension to import in a legal way commercial quantity escrap is a mission impossible. As my country has signed Basel Convention and US not, and there is no direct treaty between both countries, exporting scrap from Bulgaria to US is considered out of the law. That's it!

  18. #15
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    maybe you could import it through Iraq, they seem to be doing well enough in moving Iran's oil for them ; )

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