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Is this cheating?

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    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Is this cheating?

    So I will often scrap appliances and sometimes cars. Found the other day that I have some leftover plastic fridge inserts and some headlights. Now I KNOW that if those items had been included when I brought the items they came from to the scrap yard it would have been fine.

    So why does it feel like cheating to throw them in my shred pile?

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  2. #2
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Your not cheating, this is called fluff and your allowed a certain % at most yards.

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    Abuilder's Avatar
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    Don't get caught at it. What go's around comes around.
    What if I put lead inside of my copper pipe and crimp the ends?

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    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    maybe because it is ? a piece of glass or plastic you can't get off is one thing but in my view"bottom loading" is at least cheating if not stealing. just my .02

    p.s. I think the rule is 1 %
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    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Thanks for the link to that video Hypo. I love the common sense approach to business that guy has.
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  12. #7
    RuggedCountrySteve's Avatar
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    To me the question would be did you get more for the fridge because the plastic was not included.

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  14. #8
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Thanks for the link to that video Hypo. I love the common sense approach to business that guy has.
    i subscribe to all these videos and they are all really good. I get them uploaded to my phone and watch it them whenever I have a moment..... they are really inspiring.

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  16. #9
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Interesting to have opinions on both sides. And I can see all points of view.

    On one hand, if I had turned in the parts with what they came from when I originally scrapped those items, it would have been fine and I would have been paid for the additional six pounds as shred. Therefore I should include it in my next scrap load.

    On the other hand, it is material that, by itself, has no value to the scrap yard, and I should NOT throw it in with my shred.

    On the third hand, my yard has a scale I pull onto that weighs in increments of 20 pounds, the scale is no more finely calibrated than that. (Grumble.)

    I guess not having to feel like I'm cheating is worth a lot more than 60 cents worth of scrap. Sigh. Thanks guys!

  17. #10
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    it isn't cheating to leave it on the original unit, but would be to put it with another, or even throw it in unattached, because they're not buying plastic. That's why i've about stopped breaking down small printers etc, it leaves me with too much plastic to dispose of, anymore i just leave it together, forget the low grade boards and tiny motors that aren't worth the time anyway.

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  19. #11
    Gravitar's Avatar
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    I would consider it cheating if you tossed in a fridge with all of the plastic drawers in it. Those you can easily pull out and recycle separately. But if the glass or plastic is stuck inside of it, I would take as much out as you can, the scrap yard doesn't buy plastic right? But, then you look at whats under the metal casing around the fridge, and its all styrofoam or insulation, which is also plastic. I would just take out all of the inserts and the compressor and call it done.

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  21. #12
    greytruck's Avatar
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    My rule is I dont have room for plastic and if they are not paying you for plastic dont bring it. Once saw a guy put a fish tank full of gravel in the pile and cover it up so the yard guy wouldnt see it. Or the 6 ft rubber tube with a clamp on the end:confused:

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  23. #13
    cmcbuyer's Avatar
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    The "fluff" is factored into the price that you get paid for the material allready. Dont feel to bad about throwing it in. You would be amazed at all the high priced nonferrous material "zorba" that the shredder seperated from the steel durring the shredding process. I wouldnt make it a habit to mix in trash with your loads, but a little bit of plastic in the scheme of things isnt going to hurt the yards bottom line a bit.

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  25. #14
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abuilder View Post
    Don't get caught at it. What go's around comes around.
    What if I put lead inside of my copper pipe and crimp the ends?
    Apples and oranges, Abuilder. This is stuff they would have taken anyway without objection, whereas what you describe is flagrant fraud. I'm still not gonna do it, but in my eyes there is a world of difference.

  26. #15
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    maybe because it is ? a piece of glass or plastic you can't get off is one thing but in my view"bottom loading" is at least cheating if not stealing. just my .02

    p.s. I think the rule is 1 %
    Olddude, are you saying I should be pulling out detachable plastic before turning in a fridge? If so why do the yards not require it?

  27. #16
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuggedCountrySteve View Post
    To me the question would be did you get more for the fridge because the plastic was not included.
    No, I get shred price by weight so actually got less for the fridge than I would have had the pieces been left inside.

  28. #17
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gravitar View Post
    I would consider it cheating if you tossed in a fridge with all of the plastic drawers in it. Those you can easily pull out and recycle separately. But if the glass or plastic is stuck inside of it, I would take as much out as you can, the scrap yard doesn't buy plastic right? But, then you look at whats under the metal casing around the fridge, and its all styrofoam or insulation, which is also plastic. I would just take out all of the inserts and the compressor and call it done.
    Really, you would deliberately take out the inserts? Then my question would be the same as I posed to olddude; why don't the yards require it?

  29. #18
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by greytruck View Post
    My rule is I dont have room for plastic and if they are not paying you for plastic dont bring it. Once saw a guy put a fish tank full of gravel in the pile and cover it up so the yard guy wouldnt see it. Or the 6 ft rubber tube with a clamp on the end:confused:
    I guess we are looking at a lot of shades of gray, here. The aquarium with gravel and the hose analogies are very black-and-white to me. And actually if they are not requiring plastic inserts be removed, then they ARE paying for plastic.

  30. #19
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmcbuyer View Post
    The "fluff" is factored into the price that you get paid for the material allready. Dont feel to bad about throwing it in. You would be amazed at all the high priced nonferrous material "zorba" that the shredder seperated from the steel durring the shredding process. I wouldnt make it a habit to mix in trash with your loads, but a little bit of plastic in the scheme of things isnt going to hurt the yards bottom line a bit.
    I'm assuming by "Zorba" you are talking about all the copper and brass it is too problematic for me to profitably remove? Yes with their shredders they certainly profit from that.

  31. #20
    cmcbuyer's Avatar
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    Zorba is a by product from the shred. Take a car for instance, when you have a car, a lot of them have aluminum blocks, trannies, and such. When they get ground up, the go through a series of magnets and air steams that sort the material. All the shredders are different as to the types of downflow equipment they havem but you wind up with a big pile of fluff on one side, a big pile of shred, and a big pile of aluminum. I wont get into the way they can seperate copper, and aluminum, but zorba does have to have a small percentage of copper in it. Some shredders have a way of sorting the copper even further though. So they buy your tin, and they produce a product that is worth 5 to 6 times what that tin value is. My point was that when they buy tin, all of that plastic, foam, rubber , and other trash is is figured into the price. So if an insert fell out and you want to add it to another load, it wont hurt. but if you are filling things with dirt and water for weight, then that is an isse. Not saying you are, but some people do. You certainly should not seperate the plastic from the appliances, that is already factored in the price.

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