Zorba is a by product from the shred. Take a car for instance, when you have a car, a lot of them have aluminum blocks, trannies, and such. When they get ground up, the go through a series of magnets and air steams that sort the material. All the shredders are different as to the types of downflow equipment they havem but you wind up with a big pile of fluff on one side, a big pile of shred, and a big pile of aluminum. I wont get into the way they can seperate copper, and aluminum, but zorba does have to have a small percentage of copper in it. Some shredders have a way of sorting the copper even further though. So they buy your tin, and they produce a product that is worth 5 to 6 times what that tin value is. My point was that when they buy tin, all of that plastic, foam, rubber , and other trash is is figured into the price. So if an insert fell out and you want to add it to another load, it wont hurt. but if you are filling things with dirt and water for weight, then that is an isse. Not saying you are, but some people do. You certainly should not seperate the plastic from the appliances, that is already factored in the price.