I got a call recently to remove three go karts from a woman's back yard. I got there and quoted her a price to haul them away which she was glad to pay. I was happy because I quickly realized they could easily be sold for parts or repair. Two of them are frames mostly and are missing some things, i figure they oughta be worth a hundred apiece at least. The third is a complete kart which I haven't yet been able to fire up but it wants to start. Several hundred dollars for that one alone. New ones look like they're selling in the vicinity of $1700.00. These are nice metal framed karts with what looks like lawn mower motors for power.
I had them on the truck before she told me someone dumped them on her property. Now I'm freaking out. I really want to sell these, but what if they're stolen? Do I call the cops and turn them in to wait to find out? Cut them up for scrap and move on? These have way more than scrap value. Any advice?