This may be long but here goes. Missed out on a load of about 8000# of server equiptment last week. Was supposed to recv it this tues but due to the company having to use their truck they wanted to deliver on fri. Couldn't take it due to some logistic and $$$ issues on my end. Anyway lost that load but was told that they have this qty on a monthly basis. I visited their warehouse and the feeling I got was that they were at a premium for space and need to move the materials out soon after they determine what is still resellable and what isnt. I want to set up a mtg for this week and want to propose doin the pick up myself on a bi-monthly basis. They were pretty set on what they wanted for the material but I think if I can sell the idea of moving the materials quicker to free uP space for them I might be able to get the stuff for .05 cheaper per # than what they wanted. Also they were sending it about an hr away where my location is only 17 miles from them. I think that selling the savings of gas,miles and tolls might get me into lage qty on a steady basis.
The next part is how to scale the materials. The problem I have is that I don't have a floor scale to weigh the material. The idea I have is to bring a small scale with me. Weigh one item of what they have on hand now. List it on a form for them with weight and depending on how many of each unit there is it should be an accurate accounting of how much material I am paying for. It also takes the out the question of tare since we are going on the weight x # of units.
If that goes well the next question I have is to breakdown or not breakdown. I have limited space but I could fit four pallets where I am now. I spoke to a yard here that does
ewaste and has some very good prices. He said depending on how the units come in and what parts are included he can give me better pricing if it is going to be a monthly thing. Sorry for the long post but I just wanted some opinions on this.