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Quick advice for a new scrapper please

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  1. #1
    toolbox231 started this thread.
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    Quick advice for a new scrapper please

    I just got into this about a month ago. I quit my night part time job last week because it was driving me insane. Now I have more time for scrapping. Anyways, I posted an ad on craigslist a few days ago for free appliance and metal scrap recycling. I thought it got buried but I just got an email back this morning for a lady about ten minutes away from me with a washing machine, 6000 btu AC unit, and an old desktop pc. She left a phone number and I plan on calling her back asap but first I have a few questions since I am new to this.

    She asked in the email if I pay cash or just offer pick up. I don't know exactly how much I will make so its hard to offer cash. I am thinking about calling her and saying I offer free pick up but I can be there in 30 minutes. Do you all offer cash for such pick ups?

    Second question. The ac unit and the pc tower I am not concerned about but the washing machine I am a bit. What is your alls policy about going into peoples houses to get items out for them? I will be doing this by myself. Picking up one on the curb is one thing because I just pivot it into the back of my ranger. I was thinking about if I make the deal running by harbor freight to pick up a $40 dolly. What is your guys advice.

    I have been lurking around these forums for the past month and getting tons of great information. I'm happy to join the community. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    I tell people I don't go into houses - too much liability (potential for damage to the premises). I wouldn't pay for any of that. If you are going to pay for stuff, cash is the usual method. You should be concerned about the AC due to the freon.

    When you get back, please make an "Introduction" and at least a general location.
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  4. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum. Smaller loads I would typically just offer a free pick up but do ask that the items are at least in the garage to minimize the risk of damage to their property. Dolly is pretty much a must have tool and tie down straps come in handy to secure large things to the dolly.
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  5. #4
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    "posted an ad on craigslist a few days ago for free appliance and metal scrap recycling" if that's how you worded it in your add it sounds a little misleading. I'm not an editor or a publisher but I would just make it simple. I will haul anything metal away for free call me. And some people will be happy to have it gone and pay you. Just a thought... Good luck out there

  6. #5
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    If she REALLY needs to get something i'd throw her $5-$10, but thats because I can get the ac evacd for free, or sell the unit as is to my ac guy for $10. That would leave me the washing machine and pc for profit.

    If you really have no interest in paying, tell her that. She will keep calling getting the same response (or they ask for her to pay them due to refridgerant in the AC unit) eventually she will prob call you back, if not oh well. I've had pleantly of people tell me they were putting loads together for me, and then I never heard back. It's part of the game. And I NEVER pay.

    Today I picked up 3 complete towers (including keyboards/mice/CRTS), a scanner, and two tvs and some other small stuff just because the guy was sick of looking at it. If you keep posting ads and finding other sources besides CL (freecycle, facebook, flyers, etc) you will eventually build a sizeable reputation and then your regulars will pass your phone number on. Best advice to you, read up here on SMF.

  7. #6
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    Like others, I won't go into a home. Item has to be disconnected and in the garage or outside ready for pick up. Haven't had an issue yet, and I almost think people prefer it that way. No one really wants a stranger in their home and I don't blame them.

    Generally all I pay for are vehicles and complete towers.

  8. #7
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    with todays fuel cost ypu cant afford to pay for those few items. also remind her there is eco unfrendly contents in those items you are doing her a service free of charge. there are some out ther that will give her a few bucks but they are spinning their wheels.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

  9. #8
    toolbox231 started this thread.
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    Thank you for the responses. I called the lady back and left a voicemail but didnt recieve a call back. In the voicemail I told her the service I offer was only pickup, no cash paid, and that thr items would have to be either outside the home or in the garage. Thank you for the replies though and the great information. Ill head over to the introduction section a bit later. Thx

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