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Depends on what it is I guess and could that one job = more down the line or more stuff from the same folks? I have someone waiting on me to ...wait for it, tear down a shed but waiting for the yard to dry up has also caused a full riding mower, one rider shell and one rider engine and some other stuff to be added to the lot.
When this first started it was just the shed which I would have lost money on but they are friends with my son and they know I scrap and this could lead to some good word of mouth also and help me expand. you never know.
While always looking at the future and long term events, and the hopeful word of mouth will lead to more business, you also have to use the same mentality and think about the NOW current times.
I have had so many people try and get me to do stuff for FREE, with the promise of spreading my name like wildfire to get me 100 new customers, or whatever. I always tell them, that while I appreciate any new business, I am in business to make money, and therefore there is a charge. They either want to pay and have a professional do it, or not, and take a gamble.
What they believe will save them a few bucks, might cost them thousands if something bad happens (NOT saying anything bad against you newattitude, just speaking in general here).
The only people I have ever done it free for, is my wife's parents, and that is because when I was re working my techniques to adapt in the changing real estate market, and before starting my recycling business, they helped us out. To this day, we all still help one another out.