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Scrap pickup is free, demolition is not. - Page 2

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  1. #1
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyScrappers View Post
    True, but what I learned is, am I REALLY putting food on my table if gas, time, dump costs, etc. eat up all my scrap profit? Just my thought...
    Depends on what it is I guess and could that one job = more down the line or more stuff from the same folks? I have someone waiting on me to ...wait for it, tear down a shed but waiting for the yard to dry up has also caused a full riding mower, one rider shell and one rider engine and some other stuff to be added to the lot.

    When this first started it was just the shed which I would have lost money on but they are friends with my son and they know I scrap and this could lead to some good word of mouth also and help me expand. you never know.

  2. #2
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    Depends on what it is I guess and could that one job = more down the line or more stuff from the same folks? I have someone waiting on me to ...wait for it, tear down a shed but waiting for the yard to dry up has also caused a full riding mower, one rider shell and one rider engine and some other stuff to be added to the lot.

    When this first started it was just the shed which I would have lost money on but they are friends with my son and they know I scrap and this could lead to some good word of mouth also and help me expand. you never know.
    While always looking at the future and long term events, and the hopeful word of mouth will lead to more business, you also have to use the same mentality and think about the NOW current times.

    I have had so many people try and get me to do stuff for FREE, with the promise of spreading my name like wildfire to get me 100 new customers, or whatever. I always tell them, that while I appreciate any new business, I am in business to make money, and therefore there is a charge. They either want to pay and have a professional do it, or not, and take a gamble.

    What they believe will save them a few bucks, might cost them thousands if something bad happens (NOT saying anything bad against you newattitude, just speaking in general here).

    The only people I have ever done it free for, is my wife's parents, and that is because when I was re working my techniques to adapt in the changing real estate market, and before starting my recycling business, they helped us out. To this day, we all still help one another out.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

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    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Two more shed removal calls today alone, wanting to exchange the metal for the teardown. Smhs.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    John Terrell (248) 224-2188
    Burly Guys Junk Removal LLC
    5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329

  5. #4
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    When it is mentioned that there are plenty of people that will do it for free, ask how many of them are insured and care about thier reputation.

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  7. #5
    Russell's Avatar
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    I'm surprised you do any removal at no cost. I can see for a lot of material. I mean a lot of material. Do you have a minimum requirement, Burly?

  8. #6
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russell View Post
    I'm surprised you do any removal at no cost. I can see for a lot of material. I mean a lot of material. Do you have a minimum requirement, Burly?
    I don't do many. Had a guy who had a burnt down garage who actually separated out the metal for me, probably a little over a ton. I'll pick up the occasional appliance if I have a job scheduled nearby, but usually I ask $75 for appliance pickup.

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  10. #7
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    I don't do many. Had a guy who had a burnt down garage who actually separated out the metal for me, probably a little over a ton. I'll pick up the occasional appliance if I have a job scheduled nearby, but usually I ask $75 for appliance pickup.
    I do appliances for $35 depending on the distance. But if it is close to an hour or over, I bump it to $65 to $75, so yours is more than reasonable.

    I get told told all the time, that they will pass and go with the "free" gas. I always tell them to ask for proof of insurance before the work starts and hang up.

  11. #8
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    For the newbies don't let this affect your thought process in any way.........When I started in this biz I would drive 30 miles for a paperclip..........You have to spend money to make money.....You have to get your name out there and beat the pavement.........I wouldn't get out of bed for a paperclip now but I did this enough that I strictly do the auction circuit now and buy and sell.......I do however still stop if I see a piece of metal at my local curbco (FORCE OF HABIT)

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  13. #9
    Russell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    For the newbies don't let this affect your thought process in any way.........When I started in this biz I would drive 30 miles for a paperclip..........You have to spend money to make money.....You have to get your name out there and beat the pavement.........I wouldn't get out of
    bed for a paperclip now but I did this enough that I strictly do the auction circuit now and buy and sell.......I do however still stop if I see a piece of metal at my local curbco (FORCE OF HABIT)
    Scrapping especially curbside is way different than providing a service. People tend to confuse scavenging and service as one in the same, its not. I curbside myself and don't charge for it. I also own a junk removal service. If I got a call from someone who wants service, I would expect payment for service. Otherwise I'm not doing it. Unless the tonnage justifies the not charging. I wouldn't touch anything for free unless their is at least one one ton easily accessible.

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  15. #10
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russell View Post
    Scrapping especially curbside is way different than providing a service. People tend to confuse scavenging and service as one in the same, its not. I curbside myself and don't charge for it. I also own a junk removal service. If I got a call from someone who wants service, I would expect payment for service. Otherwise I'm not doing it. Unless the tonnage justifies the not charging. I wouldn't touch anything for free unless their is at least one one ton easily accessible.
    Maybe you are trying to discourage people from scrapping not sure..........I am talking about in heavy populated areas there are tons of free stuff on craigslist that can be scrapped.........When I was broke and down on my luck I would consider it a true pleasure to remove someones fridge or washing machine for free......That meant food in my belly and gas in the tank.........Not everyone is in the situation we are in Russell (We did work to get ourselves there though).........There is a place for the free removal and that is for someone that needs that next load of metal to feed their family..........I do not endorse either way of biz.........I have dug through dumsters the same day I dropped 10,000 at an auction..........It is sad the state of our economy though that so many people have had to resort to removing items for free when they should be charging for it...........That is our society though......If you can do it better or (good enough) and cheaper you will get work all day long............Either way Russ wish you well and Keep Scrapping

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  17. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russell View Post
    Scrapping especially curbside is way different than providing a service. People tend to confuse scavenging and service as one in the same, its not. I curbside myself and don't charge for it. I also own a junk removal service. If I got a call from someone who wants service, I would expect payment for service. Otherwise I'm not doing it. Unless the tonnage justifies the not charging. I wouldn't touch anything for free unless their is at least one one ton easily accessible.
    Really if you had to drive 5 blocks for 1000#, you'd charge the guy for picking it up ? I wished I lived in your area, I'd make enough off charging people that I'd just haul the metal to the dump. Youll wouldn't last one week in this neck of the woods. Not hating on you all for making money just amazes me how you charge to pickup something of value and here everyone wants 500$ for a junk geo metro and 300$ paid to them for every ton of steel collected. Just crazy is all, I make what I can when I can and let a lot of stuff go because it's too high.
    Alvord iron and salvage
    3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it

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  19. #12
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    Really if you had to drive 5 blocks for 1000#, you'd charge the guy for picking it up ? I wished I lived in your area, I'd make enough off charging people that I'd just haul the metal to the dump. Youll wouldn't last one week in this neck of the woods. Not hating on you all for making money just amazes me how you charge to pickup something of value and here everyone wants 500$ for a junk geo metro and 300$ paid to them for every ton of steel collected. Just crazy is all, I make what I can when I can and let a lot of stuff go because it's too high.
    Agreed......I am lucky to get metal around here that I don't have to buy...LOL........Either way if I get enough of it and pay as little as possible I can still earn a decent living

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  21. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    Agreed......I am lucky to get metal around here that I don't have to buy...LOL........Either way if I get enough of it and pay as little as possible I can still earn a decent living
    That's American dream ain't it ?

  22. #14
    sledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    Really if you had to drive 5 blocks for 1000#, you'd charge the guy for picking it up ? I wished I lived in your area, I'd make enough off charging people that I'd just haul the metal to the dump. Youll wouldn't last one week in this neck of the woods. Not hating on you all for making money just amazes me how you charge to pickup something of value and here everyone wants 500$ for a junk geo metro and 300$ paid to them for every ton of steel collected. Just crazy is all, I make what I can when I can and let a lot of stuff go because it's too high.
    Amen to that tater.. Depends on where you live I suppose.. I can surely relate to the $500 for a junk Geo Metro. Some dude here had one last week- NO MOTOR, NO TRANNY- $300 bucks- OY!!!
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  24. #15
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Only people I dont charge for metal removal is businesses. Reason is because they always call when they have a good trailer load of metal to pickup, so to me it is well worth it.

    I charge individuals for metal pickups, and that is only because they generally just have 1 item like a washer, dryer, or refrigerator, and I have to drive sometimes 30 minutes to 1 hour away for pickup. So I will pickup for a minimum of $35, and the highest I have ever charged was $75.

    Just different areas, require different methods and tactics in order to stay in business.

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  26. #16
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    Well put George

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  28. #17
    Sal is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    So, you would charge to remove all this brick is what your saying?

    Free Scrap Metal - Large Commercial Boiler

  29. #18
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sal View Post
    So, you would charge to remove all this brick is what your saying?

    Free Scrap Metal - Large Commercial Boiler
    Oh, HELL yes! :-)

  30. #19
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    ^^For that job...yes. And I don't charge very often.^^
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  32. #20
    Sal is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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