this post is why i signed up and stopped creepin around here. i've been playing with publisher lately trying to figure out my new biz cards for this reason advertising "free appliance, scrap and e waste removal" has gotten me into a pickle with the wife, only because she waited in the truck for an hour. while i cut up a tin shed, the $38.40 worth of bailing didn't exactly cover the 3 sawzall blades and the hour it took to remove it from a lady's back yard. only reason i did it was because i told her i would two years ago. when i was still new and would drive 40 mins for a 100lbs of shred. We've received tons of calls lately from people expecting us to remove hot water heaters from basements for free and washers dryers fridges you name it. And i will if they are dam near new and work fine. but this post is bang on.....demolition is not free and i need to work that into my cards and flyers. we charge 60 minimum if i have to bring a helper. were not 100% insured yet so i don't like going in peoples houses, i hate complaints about knuckle marks in drywall in million dollar homes. people don't care if you broke a finger catching a 7ft freezer from putting a hole in their stairwell. its just not worth the few dollars in scrap. long story short we don't do basement removals anymore unless some rich house wife isn't happy anymore and wants everything stainless and everything thats not removed asap.