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How do you seperate yourself

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  1. #1
    Libertytow started this thread.
    Libertytow's Avatar
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    How do you seperate yourself

    from your competition ????

    i"ve read alot of posts on here and i looked through the search feature.

    I consider myself an EXTREMELY professional salvage tehcnician (i hate the words scrapper or scrap guy).

    As such i make sure my trucks are CLEAN always. i mkae sure i always send the RIGHT truck for the job with 2 uniformed guys, i have a copy of my insurance cerifiactes in every truck with flyers business cards pens paper and promotional items every truck has a toolbox, scale, handtruck chain rope gloves dollys and brrom/dustpan/contractors bags.

    if i go to 20 jobs i usually end up with 15 repeat customers.

    now i am curious what others do

  2. #2
    Craasher's Avatar
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    I think what you said is the biggest way people can distinguish themselves is by being Clean and professional all the time. I'm a little different salvage technician and I distinguish myself by selling computers or giving computers back to my customers. I'm primarily an e-scrapper but by people knowing what I do I have people asking me about computers all the time. I usually fix them for them for a fraction of the cost the Geek Squad would and I end up with all their waste. Its also earned me lots of side scrap like washing machines, BBQ grills, and probably soon a van load of stainless steel surgical supplies. I try and distinguish myself mainly by traits like honesty, trustworthy, professional, and courteous.

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