After a week of trying to get in contact with an owner of a local yard, I finally found him. The other day when I asked how many computers they had, One worker showed me the pallets hidden in the back of the warehouse. I couldn't believe my eyes. 12 pallets stacked 6 ft tall.

I approached the owner confident after crunching numbers over and over. I felt the wad of money in my front pocket just dying to be spent. I was prepared to buy all on the spot or as many as he wanted to sell. After chatting, he wanted me to make an offer. Knowing hes been buying them at shred price; I put the feelers out and offered $.20 a lb. He raised one eyebrow like I was kidding and I quickly said but for your volume $.25 a lb. He got on his forklift laughed and said" I sell direct to China. When you can make a REAL offer, let me know. You know labor is cheap in China."

I could've put several thousand in his pocket, Cash. I also said I would be a consistent buyer...No shipping hassels no waiting on payment. I don't think $.30 or $.35 would even start negotiations. $.40 would be waisting my time.

For those that buy large lots, can you compete with China?