You should have at least asked what price he is getting from them? At least you know what you are up against then. I wouldn't get hung up on it either like e wasted said. Its one customer when there are a million fish in the sea. The scrap game is like dating sometimes you get rejected sometimes you fall in love. This time you got rejected just make sure you find a rebound gf. If you are serious about it put your game face back on and approach him again. This time structure the deal like you originally stated in your first post 20 to 25 cents a lb and tell him you will bring him back everything you buy from him except the boards unless he can match the price. He can sell them to you make a few pennies on that deal then make a bunch more when you bring back the carcasses (shred), wire (copper), Heat sinks (AL and CU), and any other aluminum or stainless attachments that are inside the electronics. Heck you could even bring him back the plastics to if he can find a market for them or already deals in plastics. Sometimes in order to win over a yard owner you have to come at him with solid number that he can understand and comprehend quickly. Time is limited to them and time is money all day every day. He already knows what he pays you for the scrap items I just listed above so he should be able to do some quick math and figure out that he should come out ahead in the end even minus the boards and chips.