YOu may already have got your answer, but I also say LLC. It protects your personal assets. If you do not have any assets, then lawyers will not bother trying to cross the corporate veil. If you do have personal assets, then you make sure your LLC is running correctly, keeping everything seperate financial wise. Do not have a history of buying groceries with your company account kind of thing and etc. Two LLC's are good too when a lot of assets are involved. One is the holder of the assets (like trucks on the road, machines, business property, semi dangerous items as far as liabilities go). So, your home is your personal asset, business assets are held by an LLC, and business LLC is no real assets of value or the really high liability items. This allows you to pay rent to the holding LLC from the business LLC and you get money from the holding LLC being the Member. The holding LLC has the most $. The number one deterent to a $ hungry lawyer is no assets and no money. So, the business LLC makes money to pay its bills nothing left really to sue. This seems complicated, but just to defend your self you need an average of $5k to $100K retainer to be protected if you do get sued. A lot depends on the severity of the accident (which lawyers don't use by the way...they use negligent there are no accidents in their minds)