Originally Posted by
John do they buy alot of stuff?I have never used it before is there good money to be made and if you ship them stuff how long does it take to get paid and such?
Seems the newer the car the more cores that could be on it
You really have to weigh out what they are paying for the part to see if it is worth pulling
With me it also depends on how busy I am. If I have 3 - 4 cars waiting to be taken apart, Price paid by RAS has to be a little higher
Calipers for $5.00 I will do if not busy and have aluminum wheels, since I am pulling the wheel anyway. $4.00 and less with steel wheels >> I will take the .09 a pound
we have had Rack&Pinions easy to get pay $75.00 and more but they were only paying $20.00 or less for the hard to get ones
It is all bases on supply and demand, If there is a shortage of a core >> They pay more, If they have a lot >> They pay less or $0.00
I pick and choose alot
As far as how you get paid,
I have always taken the material to them and I leave with a check drawn on BOA that I cash at the BOA as we leave town
Check out this page that explains how the system works and includes phone numbers
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