I got started in scrapping just metal at first. It was not long after my wife and I had gotten married. When my investment business came to a slow stop due to most investors branching off into other areas, and me learning those areas to stay in the business, I went to work for a subcontractor for Cox Communications. That job lasted for roughly 2 months (the President and Founder of the company made a bad financial decision and over 1/2 the company got laid off permanently). 2 week later, I met up with a friend of mine as he and his wife was walking down the street...we got to talking and he was telling me about him doing scrapping for the last 4 or so years. Sounded interesting and told him, that I be interesting in doing that. He said, that if I had a truck, he would definitely show me the ropes. I pointed in the back to my father in law's dually with long bed. His eyes got real big.
The next day, we went out and made $100 a piece. The next day we both made $360 a piece, and from there I have just been worked. Now, I do more junk removal than scrapping, but when I get the request and they pay, I go! I am also getting more and more into
escrap, and very soon refining, and buying escrap and silver, and jewelry as well. Also, learning from a few guys on making good money from buying from Goodwills and selling on
ebay. Right now, I just been selling hard drives on there.
I have been looking to expand as much as possible lately (like when I get back into RE investing either in February or March, Refining, etc) as my wife and I will be working towards a new addition to our little family!
2 things I am looking to add my recycling arsenal in the next 6 months or so, is a box truck and tow truck.
While working and planning stuff for the new addition to our family, I have been doing a lot of creative advertising on Facebook and Craigslist and it is starting to pay off some.
Take care everyone!! I am off to go see Santa and have a bonfire and a few other things.