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So where are you in your scrapping career? - Page 2

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  1. #21
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    I got into it after seeing a guy pick up 50 55 gal drums of fired brass. Started talking and he said he got this on a ovt auction and that he recycles it all. Started investigating a bit and stumbled on this forum. Did my first curb shopping last March and haven't stopped since. I have a f/t job with the city and retirement from there is 4 yrs and 5 months away God willing. I will be 47 then and plan on continuing to scrap to supplement the pension checks. I do well now so I figure with more time and the kids being older I should be comfortable for the long haul. the country as a traveling scrapper offering my services to help breakdown scrap and ewaste...first stops will be olddude and mikeinreco

    I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist


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  3. #22
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    George im 25.
    Born to think, destine to succeed.

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  5. #23
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    Been at it for 2 years,

    I am moving more and more towards buy/sell
    I love auctions

    still do same amount of scrapping, just focusing on other ways to make money too.

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  7. #24
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dunemaul View Post
    George im 25.
    that's cool man, I am 27 with 2 kids and soon to be one on the way so I look forward to getting both operations set to where my involvment is as little as possuble
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  8. #25
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRASSCATCHER View Post
    I got into it after seeing a guy pick up 50 55 gal drums of fired brass. Started talking and he said he got this on a ovt auction and that he recycles it all. Started investigating a bit and stumbled on this forum. Did my first curb shopping last March and haven't stopped since. I have a f/t job with the city and retirement from there is 4 yrs and 5 months away God willing. I will be 47 then and plan on continuing to scrap to supplement the pension checks. I do well now so I figure with more time and the kids being older I should be comfortable for the long haul. the country as a traveling scrapper offering my services to help breakdown scrap and ewaste...first stops will be olddude and mikeinreco
    PLEASE HELP NO END IN SIGHT..........I currently have 3 properties full of ewaste....Rented a 10x20 and filled it within 2 weeks and have around 10 more pallets on the way......LOL

  9. #26
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    sometimes you just need to stop buying and have a breakdown month. those mobos dont run away that fast

  10. #27
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dunemaul View Post
    sometimes you just need to stop buying and have a breakdown month. those mobos dont run away that fast
    LOL I thought of that but what's the fun in it???

  11. #28
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    Been scrapping 2006, really got busy with it the last 3 years tho. I run a diverse operation, helps me stay busier that way, e scrap, copper, aluminum but good ole rusty iron is my bread and butter. I try to adapt to scrap anything I can land and make money on, done trailer houses, pulled copper out of houses ready for demo and got a demo I'm starting next week which will land me Plenty of aluminum, copper and fair amount of non prepared steel. My plan is to one day dive in and go full time scrapping, but for now it's just a side job.
    Alvord iron and salvage
    3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it

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  13. #29
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    I started my business earlier this year and I am still swamped. The calls have died down some, and I have quit taking tv's for now, but I am so far behind on work that it's ridiculous. I need to hire some people yesterday but I am working on expanding into a warehouse first. Getting the financing is a pain in my arse. I am pretty much guaranteed financing due to my military status, just need certain things to fall into place first. We will be doing business with all the surrounding counties and the state within 1 year. I hate my full-time job and leave pissed off and stressed everyday. I used to like it but they have changed so much that it has become unsafe and being the only male on a female unit make it even more stressful. Just a few more months and I'll be where I want to be for this first phase..... I am glad I have my wife b/c I am very impatient and I would have had my arse handed to me by now if I didnt have her "voice of reason" LOL!

    Impatience is the mark of independence, not of bondage.
    Marianne Moore
    Last edited by Hypoman; 12-03-2012 at 06:02 PM.
    Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.
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  15. #30
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    Ok,I just put Hypoman on my list of future visits...I may be on to something here

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  17. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRASSCATCHER View Post
    Ok,I just put Hypoman on my list of future visits...I may be on to something here
    More than welcome to visit! Just make sure I have my warehouse first...... I dont like my current set-up lol!!

    I wrote my thesis on the benefits of war and very near got thrown out of college. But I can show you where the greatest advancement of mankind comes under stress and strain, not comfort.
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  18. #32
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    Doesn't take much to keep me happy. Pot of coffee, pack of smokes and a place to charge the batteries and I am golden....

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  20. #33
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    OK thaught I would jump in here and tell my scrapping story. As many of you know I am a Mailman (aka letter redistribution specialist) as my normal job. Well about a year or so ago I found this forum on a google search on how to make some money scrapping. Well with all the knowledge I gained from this sight I started curb shopping on trash nights and making about $100 a week extra money. Well being the computer geek I am I started reading the electonics section and was like wow I love this stuff. I started putting adds on CL looking for computers to break down. Fast forward to today and I am now a buyer on this forum and really specialize in the resell side of the computer scrap market. I would have never thaught in just a year I would have got to this point but I have. Granted I am not getting rich doing this but it is putting some spending money in the pocket I didnt have before. Did I mention I havnt had use of my garage for about a year now other than to hold scrap

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  22. #34
    Libertytow's Avatar
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    when i was 19 i was in school and working for a towwing company at night the owner had a heart attack and the daughter drove the place into the ground. i bought the roll back off them for $6k and moved to tr. back when metal was stil $2. 50 a hundred i would do junk car removal with that truck charge $250 a peice to remove a car bring it in get x tra $$$ and repeat that was 3-3-03 fast forward i"ve bought sold brokered and scrapped more than i could ever imagine just lost a 9 truck $15k a week scrap operation and don"t own a yard. iright now have 5 dodge ram pick ups a boat transport trailer 5 dumpsters with hookup to trasport on a dually 2 trailers for cars 18 accounts and 3 auction houses i transport for. (flood cars)

    i have no idea what tomorrow will bring but i plan to retire off scrap with 3 million in the bank
    Liberty Towing & Recycling
    Cleaning up NJ 1 LB at a time!
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  24. #35
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    got into it when i was a kid mainly getting alu in all sorts and small amounts of copper from the curbs that i took home cause it was cool looking and found out it was money and paid better than anyting i could do at 10years old. now i just bought a truck to start hauling more at a time vs. my car and working towards expanding to a large work shop as i use my small garage now. i get most stuff free but do go to auctions to buy sometimes get schooled because i do not have alot of cash but working on that as well to flip things faster to build the bankroll. i do tear everything down to the bare bones selling gears belts and such and now even on the medium and larger transformers i tear out the copper from even the windy bits since it pays more to than sell whole as dirty motors its alot of time spent but i want this to be my full time work and with more and more being tossed everyday my business grows slow but steady

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  26. #36
    BurlyGuys started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Libertytow View Post
    when i was 19 i was in school and working for a towwing company at night the owner had a heart attack and the daughter drove the place into the ground. i bought the roll back off them for $6k and moved to tr. back when metal was stil $2. 50 a hundred i would do junk car removal with that truck charge $250 a peice to remove a car bring it in get x tra $$$ and repeat that was 3-3-03 fast forward i"ve bought sold brokered and scrapped more than i could ever imagine just lost a 9 truck $15k a week scrap operation and don"t own a yard. iright now have 5 dodge ram pick ups a boat transport trailer 5 dumpsters with hookup to trasport on a dually 2 trailers for cars 18 accounts and 3 auction houses i transport for. (flood cars)

    i have no idea what tomorrow will bring but i plan to retire off scrap with 3 million in the bank
    Liberty, I wanna be YOU when I grow up!
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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  28. #37
    corycouch's Avatar
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    i 2nd that

  29. #38
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    I 3rd it! lol

  30. #39
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    I wouldn't mind the 3 mill in the bank but why retire ? I plan to scrap til the day I flat line, too much fun to not do and if you enjoy it why quit ?

  31. The Following 3 Users say Thank You for This Post by taterjuice:

  32. #40
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    I was always told the day you stop workin is the day you die. Hard work keeps the mind and body young.

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